
Friday, August 10, 2012

North Korea to Test More Nukes

Remember when the crazy leader of North Korea was Kim Jong Il? (aka; Gopher in a pant suit)  Well, unless you have been sound asleep for the past months, you are fully aware that the Gopher died rather unexpectedly, and he left his strange little kingdom to his son, Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jon Un doesn't wear pantsuits, but he is a chubby, little man who most likely has 'small, man's syndrome'....AND he recently got married to a rather good looking woman. 

Now let's pause for a moment and think about how that engagement happened; "The Great Leader, Kim Jong Un, has required you to marry him, love him, sex him and worship him.  If you refuse, you and all your family will be starved to death in a concentration camp.  What do you say to the Leader's generous request?"

Ok...back to our story.  The Baby Gopher has some big shoes to fill and he also has a woman to what's a guy to do?  How about pop off a few nuclear weapons to impress the ladies and a show the world what a big man you are?  Yeah baby!!!

(Newser) – Just two weeks from now, North Korea could be ready for its first nuclear test since 2009, experts find in a study. In satellite photos, Pyongyang appears to have a tunnel prepared to handle such an explosion, which could help leaders save face after a failed missile launch, according to South Korea. The tunnel "apparently has been under construction since 2009 and significant activity was reported at the tunnel site after the failed April space launch," the study notes. It would be the first test under Kim Jong Un, Bloomberg notes.
The regime could test two nuclear explosions, one using plutonium and the other uranium, the study found. "Two detonations will yield much more technical information than one, and they will be no more damaging politically than if North Korea conducted a single test." Tests would bring the country closer to adding nuclear warheads to its arsenal, the US-based authors write, calling the resumption of six-party talks "imperative."

Hey, here is a good idea for a stable world....let's let Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Hezbollah, Hamas, Egypt, Iraq and Al Qaida all have access to nuclear weapons.  Of course the liberals tell us that they would never use them because they know they would get in lots of trouble if they did.

Those silly liberals...they started reading fairy tales at a really young age...and now they simply can't shake those fairy dreams from their heads.

"Someones crying lord....kum ba yah...someones hurting lord...kum ba yah..someone needs a hug now lord...kum ba yah...o lord kum ba yah."

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