Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama Issues 'Red Line' Warning to Syria

Syria continues to make the top headline news.  Assad is on the ropes, The West says he has to go, Obama says he has to go,the Arab Union says he has to go, the United Nations says he has to go, and Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood also say he has to go.

Wait a second....if the Muslim Brotherhood is in agreement with The West...what does that mean? 

It means they smell blood in the water and they hope to rush in there and take control of Syria just like they did in Lebanon and just like they are doing in Egypt and Tunisia.

But fear not....Obama has come forward and drawn a red line.  If the Syrian regime crosses it...if ANYONE crosses it (even if rebels, like Al Qaida crosses it) there will be hell to pay in that the U.S. Military and all it's powers will be released.

Mr Obama said that Bashar al-Assad would face “enormous consequences” if he deployed chemical weapons as he battles to put quell the 17-month uprising against his regime.

The threat of chemical weapons could “change the calculus” on the need to intervene, Mr Obama warned.
“We cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people,” he said. “We’ve been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is if we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilised.”
Last month, Mr Assad’s government shocked the West by openly threatening to use its significant chemical weapons stockpiles, although it insisted they would only be deployed against foreign troops and would not be used in Syria’s internal conflict.
Mr Obama said that given the volatile situation on the ground he could not be “absolutely confident” that Syria’s weapons were still secure but said the US and its allies were closely watching sites where they are known to be stored.

Here;  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9488314/Barack-Obama-red-line-warning-over-chemical-weapons-in-Syria.html

Now let's imagine that the rapture of the church happened tomorrow.  America suffers the loss of 30,000,000 people in the twinkling of an eye.  Her financial sector, her military, her manufacturing, her transportation, and a whole host of other sectors just come to an end.  America is gone and it's power has vanished. 

Obama might still be here on earth, but he won't be the leader of the free world anymore.  He will be in crisis mode trying to get the National Guard to show up to restore order and put out literal fires burning all over the country.  He will no longer be in ANY POSITION to issue any more 'red lines' to anyone.

Very soon after this, the Israel haters of the world will really smell blood in the water. America is gone....just like Ahmadinejad said it would be...and is no longer here to protect Israel. Russia, Iran, and all the Arab Muslim states will gather.  A peace agreement will be signed, granting a huge sigh of relief by the Jewish State and thereby revealing the Antichrist, and the 70th Week of Daniel will commence.

Some time after this, someone in Damascus gets hold of some chemical weapons and releases them on Israel.  Damascus is destroyed overnight by a nuclear blast handed to them by Israel, thereby fulfilling Isaiah 17.

Damascus and Israel are in the news every single day folks.  You think God is trying to point something out to us? 


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