
Friday, August 24, 2012

Syrian Violence Begins to Spill Into Lebanon

We continue to watch Syria trying to figure out how this whole thing may end.  Today we have news that the civil-war mess of Syria is spilling into Lebanon.

Remember that Lebanon is already headquarters of a whole bunch of Hezbollah fighters.

Also remember that these Muslim sects are constantly in conflict....the only thing they agree on is the hatred of Israel.

TRIPOLI, Beirut — Fresh clashes broke out Friday in northern Lebanon between supporters and opponents of the Syrian regime, killing two people and wounding 17 others, Lebanese security officials said.

The fighting in the port city of Tripoli was the latest instance of the Syrian civil war causing unrest next door in Lebanon, a country long under Syrian influence.

The bloodshed in Syria has drawn neighboring Lebanon deeper into the unrest — a troubling sign for a country that suffered its own 15-year civil war from 1975 to 1990 and has an explosive sectarian mix of Sunni and Shiite Muslims, Christians and Palestinian refugees, as well as deep divisions between pro- and anti-Syrian factions.

Syria was in virtual control of its smaller neighbor for many years, posting tens of thousands of troops in Lebanon, before withdrawing under pressure in 2005. Even without soldiers on the ground, Syria remains influential, and its civil war has stirred longstanding tensions that have lain under Lebanon’s surface.

The clashes of the past few days in Tripoli represent some of the most serious fighting in Lebanon in several months.


Cities in Lebanon are some of the named players in Psalm 83.  So we can look for Lebanon to continue moving in the direction of those who wish to destroy Israel.

If Syria falls, one can almost bet it will be taking over by the Muslim Brotherhood or some other Islamic terror group.  And if Lebanon starts into another civil war, they already have Hezbollah with a large presence there...who would love to rule that country.

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