
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What REALLY Happened at the Olympics?

The Olympic games in London just finished up.  According to the world it was a smashing success.  The USA won the medal count and numerous world records were broken.  It is truly amazing to watch what the human body is capable demonstrated by the best athletes in the world.

But since the games have finished, I have had a few phone calls from folks who ask me, "Did you sense something really strange at the closing ceremonies?  I don't know what it was but something bizarre was happening there."

And yes, I read some things from some prophecy watchers immediately following the opening ceremony that something Satanic was being announced because the symbolism was everywhere...according to them.

Now let's look at what one 'Watcher' had to say about the Olympics and Satanic symbols...and he has a lot to say.

During the recent Olympics in Great Britain, the Illuminati communicated, through Satanic rituals and symbols, an occult message to a global audience. According to Nielsen Media Research, 4.7 billion viewers worldwide (approximately 70% of the global population) viewed it. Although, the vast majority of the audience did not consciously understand the symbols and rituals, many sensed something ominous, disturbing and dark. Once people are informed as to what the symbolism and rituals were all about, they were both scared and horrified that these powerful and elite groups exist and the dark plans they have for mankind.

A growing number of people are starting to understand that there is a Satanic and global secretive global elite who are in control of global finance, culture, science and politics. The door to this higher level understanding can begin with something as simple as explaining who the Illuminati are and their symbolism on the back of the U.S. dollar. The occult pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer which has the actual words “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” which means New Order of the Ages, or New World Order. The light bulb goes on and they begin to see through the doorway of ever increasing understanding. People seem to sense that the global financial system is being manipulated. Due to the internet, millions of people are beginning to understand the relationship between the Illuminati and the international banking families who control the Federal Reserve.

The blatant occult symbols used in the Olympics in Great Britain this past week sent out the message that the elite (and that means the financial elite inside the City of London, which is a city within a city, like the Vatican City in Rome) are now tightening the noose on America by deliberately destroying the dollar and the net worth of the American middle class, as they are in Europe and other nations of the world, in order to usher in the one world economic system, one world government and one world religion the global elites have been planning for centuries. Ironically, all of this was predicted by the prophet Daniel, the Apostle Paul, Jesus Christ and the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation.

The occult-elite who rule our world, under the power of Lucifer, have sent out coded messages through the symbols that dominate America’s architecture, media, art, film, science and politics. For those who understand the teachings of Bible prophecy, those symbols of the mystery religions have now converged to give mankind a final warning of what is about to come and what our response should be.


Holy massive Satanic Plan!!  This stuff is incredible!...and it is sounding more and more like this is NOT some conspiracy theory made up in some comic book...but is the actual stuff the Bible warned us to watch for. (turn over your one dollar bill and look at the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid and read the Latin underneath, "New world order")

Apostle Paul clearly told us that our battle, while on earth, will not be against other men...but against the demonic forces of Satan.  Apostle John went on to warn us that the whole world is under the control of the Evil One.  The entire Gospel message is telling the Church that we are to be Christ's army and also to house the Holy Spirit with the specific purpose of RESTRAINING EVIL until Christ returns to swing the final ax and reclaim the title deed of earth from that ancient serpent.

So how are we doing??  Are the churches of America preaching about Satan and his plans?  Are people who claim to be Christians vigorously reading their Bibles and meditating on God's word as they attempt to discern the movement and battle plans of their enemy?  Are we making disciples, and fellow soldiers, of our neighbors, friends and co-workers?  Are we thinking often about how we are to advance the God's kingdom?  Are we acting as prayer warriors to pray against the Satanic armies currently rising on earth?  Are we praying for God's will to be done?

Of course we all know the answers to most of these questions....the Church is NOT DOING WELL on most of these fronts. 

Most churches don't preach about Satan and hell because most pastors don't believe he exists.  Most Christians aren't advancing the kingdom of God by making disciples of Christ because THEY THEMSELVES aren't yet disciples of Christ.  Most Christians aren't spending time in the Word of God so aren't capable of defending themselves against even a minor attack on their faith. 

The Bride of Christ has become the whore.  She has gone chasing after every other god who promises her what she wants to hear...exactly as the Bible said would happen.

While I clearly understand the the Church is NOT ISRAEL...I want to leave you with a passage from Hosea.  Hosea the prophet wrote to ancient Israel and warned them about their sin.  See if the Word of God shows us some similarities between ancient Israel and the Church of today.

Hear the word of the Lord, you Israelites,
because the Lord has a charge to bring
against you who live in the land:
“There is no faithfulness, no love,
no acknowledgment of God in the land.
2 There is only cursing, lying and murder,
stealing and adultery;
they break all bounds,
and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
3 Because of this the land dries up,
and all who live in it waste away;
the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky
and the fish in the sea are swept away.

4 “But let no one bring a charge,
let no one accuse another,
for your people are like those
who bring charges against a priest.
5 You stumble day and night,
and the prophets stumble with you.
So I will destroy your mother
6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
“Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also reject you as my priests;
because you have ignored the law of your God,
I also will ignore your children.
7 The more priests there were,
the more they sinned against me;
they exchanged their glorious God for something disgraceful.
8 They feed on the sins of my people
and relish their wickedness.
9 And it will be: Like people, like priests.
I will punish both of them for their ways
and repay them for their deeds.

10 “They will eat but not have enough;
they will engage in prostitution but not flourish,
because they have deserted the Lord
to give themselves 11 to prostitution;
old wine and new wine
take away their understanding.
12 My people consult a wooden idol,
and a diviner’s rod speaks to them.
A spirit of prostitution leads them astray;
they are unfaithful to their God.      Hosea 4:1-12 sounds familiar to what we are seeing today.  Isn't it interesting that fish by the millions are washing up on shore...and that birds have been falling the sky in unexplainable ways?
Lord, have mercy.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Dennis.

    That outreach to the one world order is happening.

    I just read that the UN chief Ban Ki-moon plans to attend Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran.

    So do you think he will buy into the Anti Israel propaganda.



