
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Axis of Evil

Remember a handful of years ago when President Bush said that Iraq, Iran and North Korea were an axis of evil and he was ridiculed for it?

Today we know that Saddam Hussein and his kids are dead in Iraq...but that evil hasn't stopped there.  In fact it appears to be increasing as the suicide bombers are blowing each other up and the corrupt folks are battling for control.

And today we find out a little bit more about the other two.

Iran and North Korea signed a scientific and technological co-operation agreement Saturday, bringing the two nations deeply at odds with the U.S. closer together.

Iranian state TV did not provide further details on the document but said it will include setting up joint scientific and technological laboratories, exchange of scientific teams between the two countries and transfer of technology in the fields of information technology, energy, environment, agriculture and food.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Mr. Kim, the North Korean Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly, that North Korea and Iran have “common enemies.”

“Arrogant powers don’t tolerate independent governments,” Ayatollah Khamenei told Mr. Kim. “In the march towards great goals, one should be serious, and pressures, sanctions and threats should not cause any crack in (our) determination.”

In a separate meeting, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Mr. Kim’s visit would have a “great impact on strengthening bilateral ties, expanding co-operation and boosting the anti-hegemonic front.”

Both countries are bitter enemies of the U.S. and the West. Iranian and North Korean officials have said in the past that their nations are in “one trench” in the fight against the Western powers.


So the nut jobs of Iran are teaming up with the super-nut-job of Korea.  I'm guessing they won't be sharing ideas on how they have created top Universities of Science that are attracting the world's elite students....since neither one of them even has one.

I'm guessing they are going to share info on missiles, bombs and nuclear explosions.

I guess President Bush was correct after all?

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