
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

U.S. to Iran; Don't Strike our Military Bases

Nothing really new here except the war talk, planning, preparations, propaganda and false reports continue to increase.  Also it appears that Israel is truly all alone.  If they are going to try and stop appears that the U.S. is making more preparations to sit this one out.

The United States has no intention of joining in a preemptive Israeli strike on Iran and expects the Islamic Republic to refrain from attacking US targets in the case of such an attack, senior Washington officials told their Iranian counterparts, according to a report in Yedioth Ahronoth on Monday.

In recent days, senior administration officials reportedly sent messages to Iran, through diplomats from two European states, addressing the possibility that Israel would launch a unilateral strike and establishing that the US expects Iran to not draw it into a conflict by firing on American army bases and aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.
Monday’s report came amid widespread debate over the level of coordination between Israel and the US on halting Iran’s nuclear program, which — despite assurances by US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro on Sunday that the relationship is as good as ever — appeared to be strained.
On Saturday, former minister Tzachi Hanegbi said the United States is not determined to halt Iran from getting a bomb and last eek’s IAEA report, which indicated that Iran has expanded its capacity for uranium enrichment, granted Israel even more legitimacy to strike Iran on its own.
Meanwhile, the New York Times reported on Monday that the Obama Administration is installing new curbs against Iran as a way to calm Israel and keep Jerusalem from launching an attack. It asserted that the president was considering a declaration of American “red lines.”
It is interesting to ponder the idead that America was blessed and made great by God in order to stand alongside Israel after she was re-birthed as a nation. 
If now we are distancing ourselves from Israel and not willing to stand alongside of her in time of war.....what purpose do we serve in the prophetic narrative of the Bible which is a book whose entire focus is on the Jewish people and their country, Israel?
Do we really believe that simply because we are America that we can't be removed from the stage when our part is done?

1 comment:

  1. Nice post,

    I am getting excited for the shout.


