
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

USA Prepares Economic Aid for Egypt

Of course I know this type of deal sometimes has to be done.  Sometimes, as a nation, you have to get in bed with shady characters because it will ultimately advance your own cause.

In Egypt, where they have thrown out the strong-man dictator Mubarak, and replaced him with someone from the Muslim Brotherhood, I guess the White House believes they better keep bribing the  new guy so they can stay in his good favor.

WASHINGTON — Nearly 16 months after first pledging to help Egypt’s failing economy, the Obama administration is nearing an agreement with the country’s new government to relieve $1 billion of its debt as part of an American and international assistance package intended to bolster its transition to democracy, administration officials said.

The administration’s efforts, delayed by Egypt’s political turmoil and by wariness in Washington about new leaders emerging from its first free elections, gained new urgency in recent weeks, even as the United States risks losing influence and investment opportunities to countries like China. President Mohamed Morsi chose China for his first official visit outside of the Middle East, although a spokesman said the crisis in Syria was the main issue driving the visit.

The assistance underscores the importance of shoring up Egypt at a time of turmoil and change across the Middle East, including the relatively peaceful uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya’s unfinished transition, the showdown over Iran’s nuclear program and the war in Syria.

Mr. Morsi has called for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to leave power and end the bloodshed there, while China, along with Russia and Iran, has been a supporter of Mr. Assad as his military assaults opposition strongholds and civilians.
Given Egypt’s influence in the Arab world, the officials said, its economic recovery and political stability could have a profound influence on other nations in transition and ease wariness in Israel about the tumultuous political changes under way.
So in this situation we have Mr. Morsi calling for Mr. Assad of Egypt to step down.  The U.S. must have figured out the old Arab saying, "My enemy's enemy is my friend."  They must believe that getting Assad to step down is VERY important so if Morsi is calling for the same thing...America will play friends with the Mr. Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood member.
Of course we are all familiar with the saying, "If you play with snakes you will get bitten."
And if we add in the fact that we are playing friends with Israel's gets really dicey.
Finally one has to ask the question of where exactly is it that America is getting $1 billion to give to Egypt?  When will someone come forward to give us economic aid?

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