
Monday, September 17, 2012

"god' of Violence and Revolution

As you watch the news and see the Muslim countries coming apart with violence and revolution...doesn't it make you wonder why?  What's up with Islam?  Who is this Allah that they are always bowing to and yelling about?

Of course we know that the descendants of Ishmael were told by God they would be a 'wild ass' of a people who were constantly raising the stick of violence against each other and against outsiders as well...and this is pretty easy to confirm as you view Arab history.

But in the last decade and certainly since the Arab Spring started...when you look at these protestors and how lathered up they become jumping up and down burning flags, doesn't it make you wonder who the heck Allah is and how he can get these folks so whipped up with passion and hate?

Well, today we may have found a clue about who this Allah character actually is.

A research article posted on the website of terrorist-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat contends the oldest known references to the Islamic deity Allah are not in Arabian records but in Babylonian artifacts.

Ancient tablets describe “Alla” as a deity of “violence and revolution.”

“This link sheds new light since for many years we have been hearing various ideas on where Allah came from. Christian and Muslim scholars – as well as secular professors – presented numerous arguments on just who Allah really is,” wrote Ted Shoebat, the son of Walid Shoebat.

In his heavily footnoted project, he writes that historians have suggested Islam’s beginnings are found in the Persian religion Zoroastrianism, while others, including Christian writers, argue Allah was a moon-god in Babylon.

The younger Shoebat, who already has published several books, said previously the oldest known reference to “Allah” was in northern and southern Arabia about the fifth century B.C., according to Kenneth J. Thomas.

The new find, however, links the name to the Epic of Atrahasis, chiseled on tablets sometime around 1700 B.C. in Babylon.


Well that would sure make sense if this is all true.  Remember the Tower of Babel when mankind first believed they were smart enough challenge God?  That was in Babylon...which is in present day Iraq.

Now turn to Revelation 17:5 and read;  "The title was written on her forehead; Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and the abominations of the earth."

Friends, it would appear that Satan started his religion in Babylon and God is going to finish it in Babylon at the end of the story.  Does it surprise us in the least that Islam is actually worshipping Allah....the god from Mystery Babylon...who is behind Allah and also behind every abomination of the earth?

Thank you Jesus that you are going to destroy this whole Satanic mess when you return to set up your kingdom.

Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done....

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