
Monday, September 17, 2012

Something Big About to Pop?

Of course we have been watching for another major conflict in the Middle East ever since Israel was engaged in the war with Hezbollah in 2006.

Our focus is now on quite a few places.  We know that Syria is crazy and violent and they have chemical weapons.  We know that Hezbollah in Lebanon has re armed with thousands of missiles.  Egypt seems to be getting ready for more bloodshed as the Muslim Brotherhood takes over.  The list continues on and on.

The focus of the 'big thing' today though is Iran and what is taking place in the Persian Gulf.

“Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war,” reports the London Telegraph. “Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world’s petroleum traded by sea. A blockade would have a catastrophic effect on the fragile economies of Britain, Europe the United States and Japan, all of which rely heavily on oil and gas supplies from the Gulf….In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise….The war games are the largest ever undertaken in the region….The multi-national naval force in the Gulf includes three US Nimitz class carrier groups, each of which has more aircraft than the entire complement of the Iranian air force. The carriers are supported by at least 12 battleships, including ballistic missile cruisers, frigates, destroyers and assault ships carrying thousand of US Marines and special forces.”


Did you catch that....largest war games EVER in the region?

Do you have sufficient oil in your lamps? 

We don't know when this thing will pop...but it will.  The Bible is very clear that the Middle East will be the playing field for the last battles of mankind before Christ returns to usher in his 1000 yr reign.

When it does pop this will affect the whole world.  And with the world already shaking with unrest, hunger, hatred, volcanoes, financial collapse, earthquakes, drought, solar storms, love of most growing cold, lovers of violence, famine of the Word of God, etc....there does come a tipping point.

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