
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Military Begins Training for Zombie Apocalypse

Yes, I get it...this is all tongue in cheek fun.  You gotta train for something, so why not train for the zombie apocalypse?

What is interesting to us is how many times the word 'apocalypse' has been coming up in headlines all over the world for a whole variety of reasons.

Also of interest is that his 'tongue in cheek' training is really getting the military ready for how to deal with a contagious pandemic...where people run around in the streets with Ebola or some other organ destroying-highly contagious disease.

Jesus warned us about such times....times of pestilence. 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is ready for a zombie apocalypse. Gun owners got prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Now, the military and law enforcement are getting ready.

And next month, they'll begin training.

Security firm HALO Corp. announced yesterday that about 1,000 military personnel, police officials, medical experts and federal workers will learn the ins and outs of a zombie apocalypse, as part of an annual counter-terrorism summit , according to the Military Times.

Sure, the lesson is tongue-in-cheek -- and only a small part of the summit's more serious course load -- but a zombie-like virus outbreak is a good training scenario. Visitors will learn to deal with a worldwide pandemic, where people become crazy, violent and fearful. Zombies will roam the summit grounds in San Diego, Calif. harassing troops and first-aid teams that will be participating.


Friends, what do you think is going to happen during The Tribulation?....People are going to become crazy, violent and fearful.  The Bible says things will get so bad that people will be praying to die...yet death escapes them.  Jesus said if he didn't cut short this Tribulation that NO FLESH would survive.

The world IS preparing for a zombie-apocalypse of sorts....they just don't know it yet.  They believe it is all in fun....but it is really deadly (and eternally) serious.

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