
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hooray for France!

France has been a punching bag for many Americans over the last decade.  They have been called a bunch of wimps who won't help in any military engagement and have been ridiculed for surrendering before the first shots are fired.

But this time they got it right!  They are publishing cartoons of Muhammad that many Muslims are calling offensive!

And just like clock work...the 'religion of perpetual outrage' OUTRAGED!

France has sent riot police to guard the Paris offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo after it published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.

The latest issue features jokes and several caricatures of the Prophet, including some images of him naked.

The Rector of the Great Mosque of Paris Dalil Boubakeur said:
“I think that what they’ve done here is beyond comprehension. It breaches normal reasoning, and is a breach of responsibility.”

“It people’s convictions have really been offended, and laws have been breached – then they can go to the tribunal. We are in a lawful state, laws must be totally respected. That has already happened once this week,” said French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.

But the magazine’s editor Stephane Charbonnier hit back:
“We do caricatures of everyone every week, But when we do it with the Prophet, it’s called a provocation.”

French police are preparing for more protests after breaking up an illegal rally last weekend against the American film ‘Innocence of Muslims’.


This is pretty funny....the same nation that is in a firestorm for publishing naked photos of the Princess of England, Kate Middleton...has now published a naked cartoon of Muhammad.

And yes, the lady is EXACTLY right when she says they do caricatures of everyone every week but when they touch Islam its called a provocation??  France is a lawful state....if they broke the law take it up with the courts...says French PM.

This is what Hilary and Team Obama should have said right from the get go.  Instead they apologized for the 'offensive film' (which showed weakness and guilt) before they expressed regret over American soil attacked and American citizens killed.

Now of course the 'religion of perpetual outrage' is going to target French Embassies.  So look for another flash mob in Muslim lands today.

Hopefully Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland and some other countries will start doing this every day until the 'religion of perpetual outrage' grows so weary of rioting and protests that they all go home, take a nap, watch the soccer game and then go do something make something of value and contribute to the world's economy.

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