
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sex Between Brothers and Sisters

Of course we all knew this public discussion would be coming.  How could it not?  A man can marry a man, a woman a about a man marrying a woman AND a man?  How about a man marrying two-three or four lesbians because they all want to child? 

Why not a brother and sister?  If they love each other...WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE???

In an interview published Monday, Hollywood director Nick Cassavetes, whose new movie Yellow tells the story of a fictional love affair between an adult sister and brother, claimed that incest is just the latest frontier in people throwing off the shackles of rigid, cultural convention and following their hearts.

According to Cassavetes’ interview with The Wrap, “I have no experience with incest . . . . We had heard a few stories where brothers and sisters were completely, absolutely in love with one another. You know what? This whole movie is about judgment, and lack of it, and doing what you want. Who gives a shit if people judge you? I’m not saying this is an absolute but in a way, if you’re not having kids — who gives a damn? Love who you want. Isn’t that what we say? Gay marriage — love who you want? If it’s your brother or sister it’s super-weird, but if you look at it, you’re not hurting anybody except every single person who freaks out because you’re in love with one another.”

Read more:

Sex between brothers and sisters is nothing new.  Remember the Bible clearly tells us that 'there is nothing new under the sun'....meaning whatever perversion can be thought of has already been thought of AND DONE.

"Do not have sexual relations with your sister, either your father's daughter or your mother's daughter, whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere."  Leviticus 18:9

Of course people had clearly been doing this in the land that God was giving the Jews... and God DID NOT WANT HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE doing the same perverse things.

The chapter also tells us not to have sex with our grand kids, our mother, our step mother, your aunt, your daughter in law, your sister in law, no gay sex, no sex with animals.

"All these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled."  Leviticus 18:27

Do you think the land in America has become defiled?  Do you think it is going to get worse and worse....or are you holding out hope that morality will get better and better as time goes on?

It would appear that our ONLY hope would be another Great Revival of the Holy Spirit in this land.
We need to keep praying for that.

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