
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Did We Just Buy Some Time With Iran?

As of late, good news has been rather hard to come when we see a piece of it we will try and grab onto it.

Of course we have all been wondering when the fighter jets are going to take off from Israel and pummel Iran...which could lead to a whole host of other unintended consequences.

According to Rosenberg, that day may have been pushed back by months.

(Washington, D.C., October 31, 2012) -- In a startling and very positive new twist to the intense drama unfolding in the Middle East, the prospect for an all-out Israeli-Iranian war now appears to have been pushed back by eight to ten months.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak was interviewed by a British newspaper this week. Barak indicated that while events could change yet again, it would now appear that the likelihood of a major war with Iran before next fall has been significantly reduced.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is currently in France. He told the Paris-Match that an Israeli first strike on Iran would be welcomed by the Arab world, which fears the Persians getting the Bomb. Still, he, too, is telling French President Francois Hollande and senior officials in Paris that war isn't imminent and is asking them to press forward with even tougher economic sanctions on Iran.

This is a welcome relief and a huge answer to prayer. With the prospect of war seeming imminent just a few weeks ago -- for reasons I explain in the new ebook, "Israel At War: Inside The Nuclear Showdown With Iran" -- Christians all over the world have been praying for peace, according to Psalm 122:6, which commands believers to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

Iran's decision to step back from the brink of building the Bomb has, for now, relieved tensions with the Obama administration. It has enabled Netanyahu to feel comfortable to call for new Israeli national elections in February. It is encouraging Jewish and Christian tourists to continue visiting Israel. Indeed, The Joshua Fund tour of Israel and 2013 Epicenter Conference remains on track for next June. Please visit and sign up to join us. We would be honored to have you with us.

What I find intriguing is that Barak indicates that war was increasingly likely this fall. The Israelis were preparing to hit Iran before the U.S. elections. But by the grace of God, something happened in Iran that unexpectedly changed the dynamic.

Wow!  I'm guessing with the East Coast currently laid waste by Sandy, a fiscal cliff coming for America, and a huge election coming next will be VERY nice if a full scale war between Israel and Iran DIDN'T break out this week.

As I watched the video of the destruction wreaked on Jersey Shore, Manhattan and Queens, I thought it interesting that we ran across this verse in Amos 3:6-7 on Monday night at Bible study;  "When a trumpet sounds in the city, do not the people tremble?  When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it?  Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets."

1 comment:

  1. Although I don't hold the Pre-Tribulation Dispensationalist viewpoint, I do listen to Hal Linsey with interest, and quote from his book, THE EVERLASTING HATRED:
    "The 'Treaty from Hell' was formed and put into action in February 1991 under the code name 'the Grand Design.' Russia was rightly terrified of Iran spreading the Islamic fundamentalist revolution into the five former Soviet Union republics that are all Muslim. The small state of Chechnya has demonstrated to the Russians how enormous a threat the five larger Muslim republics could pose if controlled by hostile Islamic fundamentalists."
    "So an exchange was worked out. Iran promised neither to encourage fundamentalism or hostility toward Russia in these states, nor to interfere with Russian 'internal attempts' to put down Islamic terrorism whenever it appeared (including Chechnya). In exchange, Russia agreed to the following:
    -Provide plants, equipment, and expert personnel for the development of nuclear power suitable for conversion to warheads
    -Support Iranian development of long-range missile delivery systems
    -Fight alongside Iran against the West in the event of an attack by Western forces
    "In keeping with this agreement, in late February 1991, 278 of Russia's best nuclear and missile scientists and technicians moved to Isfahan, Iran, and began helping Iran become a nuclear power."
    "As of the writing of this book in November 2010, it appears that the Russians achieved their mission.... We know that they have successfully tested a missile capable of accurately delivering a warhead on target more than sixteen hundred miles away. And they are pushing to build ICBMs that can reach the United States...."
    "All of Israel is now in Iranian missile range--and parts of Europe are in range as well. As I said, Iran is determined to develop missiles that can hit the continental United States. When that happens, we are really in trouble. A fundamental part of the Iranian conceived 'Grand Design strategy' is to checkmate the U.S. from coming to Israel's aid while the combined Muslim nations destroy it."
    "In April 1991, an intelligence source shared information with me concerning the Iranian 'Grand Design' plan. I coulod not reveal these things until they became public knowledge."
    "For the next two years after this, I observed the amazingly accurate British-based INTELLIGENCE DIGEST warning about these secret alliances between Russia and Iran. The DIGEST revealed that..., 'Russia and Iran are in the final stages of putting together a "nuclear cooperation treaty" under the terms of which Moscow will build two nuclear power plants, train nuclear technicians, and set up a nuclear research facility in Isfahan.'"
    "Today, that work has been basically completed. Iran will soon have a nuclear arsenal." (THE EVERLASTING HATRED [Washington, D.C.: WND Books, 2011], pp. 211-213.)
