
Monday, October 22, 2012

Indian, Dead for 400 yrs Becomes a Saint

Friends, in case you hadn't noticed...we have entered 'Bizzaroland'.  It's a place where nothing surprises us anymore.  A place where wrong is right, right is wrong and people's feelings trump everything else including logic.  A place where good is called evil and evil is called good.

More evidence that we now live in Bizzaroland came out yesterday when the Pope granted sainthood to an American Indian woman who has been dead for over 400 years.

Yep!!  Now the Catholics can add one more saint to their list of hundreds to whom they can pray to.

Hundreds of faithful, representing all shades of the human rainbow, flocked together on Sunday in Bensalem to rejoice over the canonization of the first American Indian saint.

They celebrated Kateri Takakwitha, known as “Lily of the Mohawks,” with a Catholic Mass, American Indian song and dance and a procession around the St. Katharine Drexel Mission Center and National Shrine. The procession was led by volunteers who carried a 5-foot statue in St. Kateri’s likeness.

It’s very deserving,” author Lou Baldwin said as he and wife, Rita, joined in the celebration. Baldwin wrote “St. Katharine Drexel: Apostle to the Oppressed” and “A Call to Sanctity: The Formation and Life of Mother Katharine Drexel.”

“Saints are supposed to be examples for us,” Baldwin said. “(Kateri) is a very good example of what a Christian woman should be.”

Kateri was born in 1656 near Auriesville, N.Y. Her mother was of Christian Algonquin descent, and her father was a Mohawk chief. Her parents and brother died during a smallpox outbreak when Kateri was 4, church historians said. The disease also damaged Kateri’s eyesight and scarred her face.

Pope Benedict XVI agreed in late 2011 to elevate Kateri to sainthood after it was deemed medically inexplicable by the Vatican that a 5-year-old boy was able to survive a flesh-eating bacteria attack. The miracle occurred in 2006, church officials said, after Jake Finkbonner’s family and Lummi tribe members prayed to God through Kateri’s intercession.

It is that faith that brought people of all walks of life together on Sunday for at least one day, said the Rev. Bruce Lewandowski, the diocese’s vicar of cultural ministry.

“Let our prayer today be that we are united tomorrow as we are today,” Lewandowski said during the Mass celebrated in Kateri’s honor. “Let us live our lives by the example of the ‘Lily of the Mohawks.’”


So a little boy was dying of flesh eating bacteria and his family and an Indian tribe starting praying to the dead Indian woman.  When the little boy was healed, they reported it to the Catholic church and now EVERY CATHOLIC CAN PRAY TO THIS DEAD INDIAN!!!!

Do you see how messed up this is??  Do you see how unbiblical this is??  Can you see how Satanic this is?? 

Can you see how this is leading us closer to the ONE-WORLD-RELIGION that will come about in the Last Days??  How??  Because it will teach the world that you can pray to anything...everything is god and god is in everything...and god is whomever you believe is god...just so long as you are 'spiritual', that's the main thing. 

Notice this sentence from the article, "It is that faith that brought people of all walks of life together on Sunday for at least one day."  Notice this sentence as well;  "Hundreds of faithful, representing all shades of the human rainbow..."

"And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us."  Luke 16:28

Friends, you can't talk to your dead grandma, grandpa, mother, father or ANYONE WHO IS DEAD!!  You certainly can't pray to them to have them ask favors of Jesus on your behalf.

If you do pray to your dead grandma and a voice answers you....I would suggest you run very fast and repent of your sin of summoning Satanic spirits.

Not all healing is from Jesus and Satan is able to perform all types of lying wonders.  One day he will even be able to call down fire from heaven in the plain sight of men.

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