
Monday, October 22, 2012

The Armageddon Virus

Remember, Jesus said there will be pestilence in the last days....which means bugs and diseases.

We have seen AIDS, swine flu, Asian bird flu, etc...and those are most likely some foreshadowing for some really big disease that puts the world in lock down and bans international travel as science scrambles for a cure.

So headlines like this really shouldn't surprise us.

The Armageddon virus: Why experts fear a disease that leaps from animals to humans could devastate mankind in the next five years

The symptoms appear suddenly with a headache, high fever, joint pain, stomach pain and vomiting.
As the illness progresses, patients can develop large areas of bruising and uncontrolled bleeding. In at least 30  per cent of cases, Crimean-Congo Viral Hemorrhagic Fever is fatal.
And so it proved this month when a 38-year-old garage owner from Glasgow, who had been to his brother’s wedding in Afghanistan, became the UK’s first confirmed victim of the tick-borne viral illness when he died at the high-security infectious disease unit at London’s Royal Free Hospital.
It is a disease widespread in domestic and wild animals in Africa and Asia — and one that has jumped the species barrier to infect humans with deadly effect.
But the unnamed man’s death was not the only time recently a foreign virus had struck in this country for the first time.

In all these outbreaks, the virus responsible came from an animal. Analysts now believe that the Spanish flu pandemic originated from a wild aquatic bird.
The terrifying fact is that viruses that manage to jump to us from animals — called zoonoses — can wreak havoc because of their astonishing ability to catch us on the hop and spread rapidly through the population when we least expect it.

But the Professor is worried our politicians are not taking this certainty of mass death seriously enough.
Such laxity could come at a human cost so unprecedentedly high that it would amount to criminal negligence. The race against newly-emerging animal-derived diseases is one that we have to win every time. A pandemic virus needs to win only once and it could be the end of humankind.


What??  The end of humankind??

Well, we know that is NEVER going to happen.

"If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened."  Jesus told us this in Matthew 24 and it clearly means that there will ALWAYS be some humans on earth until Christ returns to put an end to The Tribulation and usher in His Millennial kingdom.

But until that day, those of us who watch for Jesus also understand we will see signs of increasing pestilence.


  1. The movie contagion deals with this exact issue and is somewhat sobering to watch. It depicts how quickly a pathogen can spread around the globe and just how very quickly “civilized culture” slides into chaos.

    How long do you think the US would last if:
    1.We are locked down to unsuccessfully try containing a highly communicable virus
    2.Iran and North Korea hit both costs with an EMP and take out our ability to produce electricity

    Lets just imagine worst case scenario and say this happens just as a particularly cold winter is about to set in. Maybe we could throw in a natural disaster or two say Yellowstone blowing up, or simultaneous catastrophic earthquakes in San Diego, Seattle, and Memphis. While we’re at it lets say the following summer is one of extreme drought.

    Just saying....

  2. Isn't it amazing how thin the thread is that maintains civilized society. Yes, if a massive communicable disease spread by human contact started killing thousands and everyone became terrified to leave their homes and folks quit showing up for work and hunkered in their homes....society would unravel almost overnight. We are so PROUD of all that we have built as humans....but in reality we should be so HUMBLE when we realize we are one virus, one bomb, one volcanic eruption away from TOTAL ANARCHY and COLLAPSE.
