
Friday, October 5, 2012

Man Arrested for Sex With Horse

I don't know that it is illegal in all states to have sex with a horse...but I do know it's illegal to have sex with a horse owned by someone else in all states.

A horse owner in Florida shook his head when he told a reporter he wasn't surprised to learn that the man who had sex with his horses in 2010 came back.

Sunday marks Patrick Louis Linn's second time getting arrested on the Tallahassee property, accused of sneaking in and sexually abusing horses, according to WTSP. This time, he was allegedly caught having sex with Sunny.

"I had a feeling he'd be back because I believe it's a compulsion type thing with him," said Sunny's owner, Allen McDearmid. "I don't ... I just ... it's bad."

McDearmid said he knew something bad had happened when he noticed lubricant on the barn floor near Sunny's stall. Sunny had been cleaned, but neither McDearmid nor his wife had cleaned the horse that day, according to the Tallahassee Democrat.

A surveillance camera reportedly caught Linn sneaking into the stable early that morning. He was arrested at his home, which was nearby, later that night. He faces charges of trespassing, resisting arrest, burglary, and bestiality.

He was arrested in 2010 after cops received complaints that he went into the barn several times and "conducted sexual acts with the horses," prosecutors told The Weekly Vice at the time. Cops staked him out and reportedly caught him in the act, but he fled before he was apprehended hours later.


Of course the day is coming when sex with all animals will not only be legal but anyone who disagrees or calls it perverse will be shunned and even called 'zoophobic.'  You don't think so....go grief, look at how far homosexual behavior has come in the last 10 years.  Almost every TV show this year has some homosexual story line, character or couple in it.

Dare to tell someone that a man penetrating another man's rectum is evidence of perversion and you will have the wrath of liberals descend on you like flies on poop.

Fast forward 10 years...dare to tell someone that a man penetrating a donkey, monkey, dog or horse is evidence of perversion and you will have the wrath of liberals descend on you like flies on poop.

Leviticus 18
22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

23 “‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

Of course whenever God says NOT to do it....Satan wants people to do it.  The Bible calls it detestable and perverse.

Well here we go....further down the same article we have a man arrested for sex with a donkey and look what he says;  Carlos Romero was arrested Sept. 17 for having sexual contact with a miniature donkey. He told cops that Florida was was "backwards" since its residents "frown on zoophilia."

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