
Friday, October 5, 2012

The Carnivores Next Door

"I looked, and there before me was a pale horse!  Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  There were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth."  Revelation 6:8

Have you noticed an increase in the news reports of wild beasts? 

Here in Minnesota the news of the first wolf hunting season in decades has the PETA folks out in full force wondering how ANYONE could shoot these wonderful creatures.

As one future wolf hunter said, "If you have ever been in Northern Minnesota and heard a pack of wolves hunting a screaming deer running for it's life and the sounds they make while eating the deer would be in favor of wolf hunting."

Most folks in Suburban MN don't realize that their backyards were once inhabited by great herds of elk, buffalo, cougars, wolves and bears.

I'm guessing most PETA folks would NOT want a grizzly bear roaming in their back yard when their kids are out there using the swing set...or a cougar, or a pack of hunting wolves.

First it was the raccoons. Next came the coyotes. And then? Bigger carnivores. Urban and suburban areas in North America are home to a lot of small, wild predators, and now scientists believe that the coyote’s success in adapting to an urban lifestyle could pave the way for larger carnivores to move in.

Ohio State University professor Stan Gehrt has been studying coyote populations near Chicago for 12 years (his team’s research found the coyotes to be monogamous). He described the research in a talk at EcoSummit 2012, an international conference held in Columbus, Ohio.

One of the coyote groups under observation occupies the smallest known coyote territory ever observed—about a third of a square mile. To Gehrt: “That’s an indication that they don’t have to go far to find food and water. They’re finding everything they need right there, in the suburbs of Chicago. It amazes me.”

Coyotes are the largest mammalian carnivores—so far—to have adapted and thrived in an urban setting. Gehrt believes that “The coyote is the test case for other animals. Raccoons, skunks, foxes—they’ve already been able to penetrate the urban landscape pretty well. The coyote is the most recent and largest. The jury’s out with what’s going to happen with the bigger ones.”

So who are the bigger ones poised to invade? Wolves, mountain lions, and bears, for a start. Mountain lions are making appearances near cities already—including the Wrigleyville neighborhood of Chicago and recently in Des Moines, Iowa. A family of black bears has recently been spotted roaming the suburban streets Cedar Grove, New Jersey.

According to Gehrt, it’s these larger mammals that “are going to be an even bigger challenge.” It used to be that humans moved to urban areas to get away from the dangers of living near big predators. Now, it seems the carnivores are following us.


The Bible clearly tells us that wild animals will kill an enormous amount of people during the Tribulation.  Could this be one more sign?  Are the wild animals being gathered? 

When chaos, famine, weakness, disease and pestilence break out...human beings will be defenseless against packs of coyotes, wolves, bears and big cats.  Even packs of hungry domestic dogs will be prowling the streets looking for something to eat.  And yes, domestic dogs will attack and kill people when they are hungry.

When God says that the Tribulation will be the worst time the earth has EVER seen....that means those days will simply be unimaginable to today's civilized Americans.

Thank you Jesus that you have already delivered us from the wrath of God that is to come.

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