
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Christians Killed by Angry Muslims...Again!

I wonder how many stories of Muslims killing Christians will have to make the news before the leftists of the world say, "Hmmmm....I wonder if Islam is more than a religion...maybe it's actually a political movement that is trying to take over the world, nation by nation?"

What would have to happen?

Today we have a few new reports emerging from Islam Land that are troubling, tragic AND uplifting because of these folks who are praying for their murderers...exactly as Jesus told us to.

Multiple sources have confirmed that about 25 to 30 Christian college students were massacred at a university in northeastern Nigeria late Monday night, causing Christians to pray for a "change of heart" among the extremist Islamist group Boko Haram to put a stop to the continued violence.
While there is speculation as to the motive of the massacre, sources close to the human rights watchdog Open Doors USA confirm that the massacre was performed by Boko Haram.

Emily Fuentes, the communications and public relations coordinator for Open Doors who recently visited Nigeria and spoke to Christian leaders about Boko Haram, told The Christian Post that believers around the world can agree that prayer is the "only thing that will change the people of Boko Haram."

"There are people who are turning to Christ who used to be in the Boko Haram, and God is changing their hearts," Fuentes told CP.

"A lot of Christians believe that God will change these peoples' hearts," she added.

The killings reportedly occurred in the late night hours on Oct. 1, when masked gunmen went door-to-door in the off-campus housing section of Federal Polytechnic College in Mubi, a city in the remote Adamawa State in northeastern Nigeria.


Meanwhile in Egypt, the new Islamic government looks like it is going to take Koran degradation VERY seriously.

CAIRO — Two Coptic Christian boys have been detained by the authorities on charges that they defiled the pages of a Koran, the latest in a spate of recent cases involving accusations that people have insulted Islam.

The boys, ages 9 and 10, are being held in juvenile detention in the village of Ezbet Marco, south of Cairo, according to Ishak Ibrahim, a researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights who is investigating the case. They were detained last Sunday, when the imam of the local mosque claimed that he saw the children tearing the pages of a Koran.

Other news reports said the boys were accused of urinating on the Koran pages.
The charges seemed likely to add to growing anxieties in Egypt about free speech rights, the sway of hard-line Islamists and the status of the country’s Christian minority, which fears an erosion of rights under an Islamist government. It also recalled the recent arrest in Pakistan of a Christian girl who was accused of burning Muslim texts in a case that drew attention to the use of blasphemy laws to intimidate minorities.
Poor little boys...what if they didn't do anything?  What if the old Imam simply hates Coptic Christians and made the whole thing up?  Of course we know Muslims have been prone to riot for a lot lesser fabricated offenses.
The spiritual battle is raging.  Are we all in God's army and doing our part in the fight?  Or are we all sound asleep as we continue dreaming of new Vikings stadiums, condos in Florida and buying our next dream car...while our brother and sisters are being butchered.
Will Jesus be proud of us during our service in the Lord's army on earth....or will he ask us what the heck we were doing sleeping under a tree while the battles raged all around us?

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