
Thursday, October 4, 2012

World's Most Dynamic Religion is Leftism

Radio host and author, Dennis Prager, has some great observations about the religion of Leftism...and make no IS a religion because it requires an ENORMOUS amount of faith to believe what leftists believe.

For at least the last hundred years, the world’s most dynamic religion has been neither Christianity nor Islam.
It has been leftism.

Most people do not recognize what is probably the single most important fact of modern life. One reason is that leftism is overwhelmingly secular (more than merely secular: It is inherently opposed to all traditional religions), and therefore people do not regard it as a religion. Another is that leftism so convincingly portrays itself as solely the product of reason, intellect, and science that it has not been seen as the dogma-based ideology that it is. Therefore the vast majority of the people who affirm leftist beliefs think of their views as the only way to properly think about life.

That, in turn, explains why anyone who opposes leftism is labeled anti-intellectual, anti-progress, anti-science, anti-minority, and anti-reason (among many other pejorative epithets): Leftists truly believe that there is no other way to think.

It dominates the thinking of Europe, of much of Latin America, Canada, and Asia, as well as of the political and intellectual elites of most of the world. Outside of the Muslim world, it is virtually the only way in which news is reported, and virtually the only way in which young people are educated from elementary school through university.

Only the United States, of all Western countries, has resisted leftism. But that resistance is fading as increasing numbers of Americans abandon traditional Judeo-Christian religions, lead secular lives, are educated by teachers whose views are almost uniformly left-wing, and are exposed on a daily basis virtually exclusively to leftist views in their news and entertainment media.

Read entire article here;

It's pretty scary when you understand what our kids are being taught in public schools.  Of course a majority of their teachers and professors are of the leftist religion...and of course their textbooks are written by folks who come from the leftist religion.

Our network TV Shows are all created by, produced by and financed by the high-priests of the leftist are our Hollywood movies INCLUDING even the cartoon movies aimed at young kids.

Basically, unless we are parents who home school, we send our kids out every day to be indoctrinated into the leftist religion.  By the time they are teenagers and have their drivers license, the are spending 99% of their waking time in the belly of the leftist religion.

When Sunday morning rolls around and we ask our teens to come with us to church in hopes we can DE-PROGRAM their leftist thinking....should it surprise us that it is painful for most kids to attend church?  Should it surprise us that an hour or two spent at church each week doesn't seem to create the kids that we hoped for? 

They are literally swimming in and drinking the leftist water.

Lord, have mercy.  Please help us to raise our kids to fear God and love the Lord in spite of this godless society we are all immersed in.

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