
Friday, November 9, 2012

100 UFO's on China-India Border

Jesus told us there will be strange signs in the sky...I wonder if this qualifies?

Over 100 UFOs seen along China border

NEW DELHI: The Army troops deployed along the China border from Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh in northeast have reported more than 100 sightings of "Unidentified Flying Objects" (UFOs) in the last three months.

The 14 Corps, which looks after military deployment along Kargil-Leh and looks after the frontiers with China, has sent reports to the Army Headquarters about the sightings of UFOs by an ITBP unit in Thakung near the Pangong Tso Lake, Army officials said here.

Reports suggested that these yellowish spheres appear to lift off from the horizon on the Chinese side and slowly traverse the sky for three to five hours before disappearing.

The officials confirmed that these UFOs were not Chinese drones or satellites.


Interesting....I wonder if the Serpent god that the Mayans and other Indian tribes spoke of is going to come back to earth in a flying saucer of some sort?

I wonder if all these thousands of UFO sightings in the past 60 years are all just one big coincidence....and that actually every single one of them didn't see anything but was really just making stuff up for attention...even the astronauts, the U.S. military, the police officers and pilots who have all seen something they describe as 'not of this world'?

I can tell you one thing for sure...with all these hurricanes, power outages, droughts and the headlines screaming "First time EVER!" would really put the world on edge to have some fallen angels manifest themselves as aliens and introduce themselves to humans for the FIRST TIME EVER!

Just imagine if Heraldo gets an exclusive interview?

I really wonder what the Prince of the Powers of the Air is up to?  I guarantee you it is something really heinous and really deceptive.

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