
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Massive Sinkhole In Louisiana

Are you guys familiar with this sinkhole story that has been transpiring in Louisiana over the past months?  It's called the Bayou Corne Sinkhole and it's pretty freaky.

They have evacuated hundreds of homes as the sinkhole continues to grow.  They aren't sure what is causing it but methane gas is coming out of residents faucets that you can light with a match.

The sinkhole is said to be over 100 feet deep and keeps expanding.

A few days ago an earthquake rattled nearby and made the hole bigger.  And yes, this sinkhole is near the New Madrid fault which is the most dangerous fault in all of North America.

A failed cavern is believed to be responsible for the sinkhole in Assumption Parish.
"Our fears and suspicions have been confirmed," Martin Triche, president of the Assumption Parish Police Jury. "The cavern had failed."
Those words came on the heels of a statement released by Texas Brine acknowledging a faulty cavern below the Bayou Corne sinkhole, but state officials were even more direct with regards to the company's claim that seismic activity was responsible for the cavern's failure.
"The USGS told us the cavern collapse caused seismic activity, not the other way around," said Stephen Chustz, secretary of the Department of Natural Resources.
More than 75 members of the community listened as representatives from state and local agencies explained a plan of action for cleanup around the sinkhole and cavern. That plan will include an additional three wells that will vent and flare natural gas in the area over the next few weeks.
The exact cause of the sinkhole will be determined as well, as more tests are conducted on the material within the cavern.
Here is video from YouTube talking about the 100 foot trees that have been swallowed;
Some folks are saying that the methane being released in this area could be ignited.  Some are saying that if that methane ever ignited it could cause an explosion bigger than a nuclear bomb.
Wow!  That would sure get every one's attention.

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