
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bride Of Christ is Anti-Semitic

We did a post about this a few weeks ago after 15 protestant leaders wrote a letter to Congress accusing Israel of being a 'human rights abuser'.  They told Congress that they want them to reconsider giving aid to Israel.

Today we have more evidence that the mainline churches are turning on Israel and/or Jews.

At an interfaith conference bringing together Jewish leaders and Protestant Christian pastors outside Jerusalem this week, several of the Christian representatives painted a very worrying picture about the future of relations between Israel and the mainstream Church.

While an estimated tens of millions of individual Christians around the world love and support the Jewish state, many of the mainline Protestant churches have been actively boycotting Israel, encouraging pro-Palestinian activism and demanding that Western governments stop sending aid to Jerusalem.

One of the main Christian representatives at the conference was Rev. Paul Wilkinson, associate minister at Hazel Grove Full Gospel Church in Stockport, England. Over the past few years, Wilkinson has studied up close the phenomenon of what he calls "Christian Palestinianism," a politicized movement that seeks to eliminate Christian support for Israel and transfer it to Palestinian nationalists.

Wilkinson said he is "completely pessimistic in terms of believing that I, we, are going to overturn 2,000 years of erroneous theology that has manifested itself in all kinds of diatribes and anti-Semitic factions" within the Church.

Wilkinson said that what stands behind Christian Palestinianism is classic Replacement Theology, which he called a "Goliath of theology in the church."

Rev. Andrew Love of the United Church of Canada agreed with Wilkinson that exaggerated humanitarian concern for the Palestinian Christians is being as the "rationalization for ultimately what I believe to be anti-Semitic ideas and anti-Semitic policies."

Wilkinson lamented that this hatred for Israel, which harks back to millennia of hatred for the Jews, is rooted "deep in the heart of the Protestant Church," and is unlikely to be uprooted.


Replacement Theology.  What is it?  Quite simply it is the belief that God is done with Israel and the Jews.  They believe that once Christ came that all who claim Christ become the 'chosen people'.  Typically these folks have a disdain for anything prophetic and they will turn any prophecies about Israel into something that REALLY applies to The Church....or it is all just some sort of non-understandable symbolism.

Of course this is incredibly dangerous for numerous reasons.

I once asked a 70 yr old Lutheran in the ELCA what his thoughts were on prophecy.  His response, "Believing that the Bible can tell us what will be happening in the future is like believing in fortune tellers."

When I pressed him about the prophesies written that foretold Christ....I never heard back.

Remember friends, WE were grafted into the Jewish story called the Bible, NOT the other way around.

Thanks be to God!

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