
Monday, November 12, 2012

USA to Become World's Largest Oil Producer

Not really sure if this news is prophetic or not...but it is interesting none the less.

A new report by the International Energy Association says the U.S. will become the world's largest oil producer by 2017, overtaking current leaders Saudi Arabia and Russia. U.S. energy policies initiated by the George W. Bush administration and implemented by President Barack Obama have moved the U.S. toward energy independence and away from Middle East energy sources. U.S. oil production has risen rapidly since 2008 and oil imports are at their lowest level in two decades.

President Obama says natural gas production could support 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade. Most of these positions are highly desirable from a financial standpoint. Drilling and support jobs pay about $34.50 an hour, 50% more than the national average according to The New York Times.


Wow!  Can you imagine how this could change the balance of things if we don't have to buy oil from Muslim nations who hate us?

For now, we are willing to put this article in the column of "good news".


  1. Hi Dennis,

    I think this article is bogus.

    We use 21 million barrels of oil a day in the US out of the 86 million the world uses.

    We peaked in oil production in the 1970s with 8 million barrels a day in the US. 1/3 of what we use.

    Oil is finite. Not making any more of it. Even with all the drilling we now pump 7 million barrels a day. The big reserves have been taped out.

    The US has 20,000 million barrels of proven reserves out of the worlds 1,448,000. Saudi Arabia alone has 262,600. Saudi Arabia pumps 10 to 12 million barrels a day.

    The rest of the world has 72 times as much as we do and we are using 25% of the worlds current production which has peaked.

    I see this article a big yea to the current administration happy spin.

    Here are a couple of links to consider with numbers...



  2. I am becoming more skeptical of the news daily. What is truth and what is propaganda? While at face value this is indeed good news, I am apt to dismiss this as another attempt by the mainstream media to prop up their "leader".
