
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

David Petraeus Scandal

Most of you are certainly aware by now that the Director of the CIA has resigned because he has been caught in a extra-marital affair.

I have been pondering this breaking news and I believe this thing is going to get a lot uglier before it blows away from the media's attention.

Just this morning it appears that General Petraeus' replacement in the U.S. Army is ALSO going to get caught up in the #2 has already been labeled with a 'career ending' mistake.

Also, we wonder if this whole thing could end up putting the Libya attack and who knew what and when did they know it...back on the front burner and FORCE the media to connect the dots that MAY INVOLVE the White House, including Obama and Clinton.  Remember, Petraeus was supposed to tell what he knew about Libya to Congress in his role as CIA director....and now he has resigned from that position.

Now please entertain me some of my further questions;  (insert sarcasm where needed)

1)  If David Petraeus' lover was found out to be a gay man...would the media have been as dogged in pursuing and invading this gay lover's house, phone records, biography and history?  Where would 'don't ask-don't tell have come into play?  Would the media be more sensative to the 'courage' of these gay lovers who were simply acting out the need for gay love...which includes the mandatory gay sex?

2)  Have you seen David's wife?  Have you seen the other woman?  Come on!!  His wife looks old enough to be his mother...ans his lover is young, in shape and a fellow West Point grad.  David was just acting on desires that he was born with.  How can that be wrong??  Doesn't he DESERVE to be happy?  Women, don't judge unless ye be judged!!

3)  If the affair was happening while he was still a General in the Army...he could be brought up on adultery charges.  Ponder me this....if David was a NOT married to a woman, but instead was a gay man involved with a gay, long-time lover....and then he broke it off with his long-time lover and started having gay sex with another man he met the next day at a gay strip club (whom he is now desperately in love with).....could the army still prosecute him for adultery?  Or does that charge only apply to heterosexual men?

Of course I am well aware that being the Director of the CIA means that your personal life has to be 100% in order.  The real fear is that the TOP SPOOK could fall into bed with some Russian spy and then the sexual liaison could be used to blackmail him and put the entire national security at risk.

So yes...I KNOW Petraeus exercised REALLY POOR judgment....but his wife wasn't making him it was HER FAULT!  : )

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