
Monday, November 26, 2012

Black Friday Shopping Frenzy

Have you seen the videos of all the Black Friday shoppers pushing through the doors of Walmart?

Have you seen the videos of the brawls that broke out at numerous stores across the country as shoppers tried to get their hands on the "door buster" specials?

Did you see that the stock market went up a big tick on Friday as retailers reported $billions of dollars MORE in sales on Thanksgiving night?

Have you now come to understand that CONSUMERISM and MATERIALISM are the gods that rule America?  As a people, we now believe that if we can get everyone spending money on houses, clothes, cars, furnishings, vacations, etc... that America will thrive and everything will be OK once again.

So people seem to be in a cheerful mood this morning as CYBER MONDAY kicks off and the media reports that over $525 BILLION dollars may be spent during this Holiday shopping season.  They are cheerful because they believe these are some signs that the gods of CONSUMERISM and MATERIALISM may be coming back to bless us all once again.

Please witness the feeding frenzy of people fighting and shopping;

Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:37-39

37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

This passage certainly seems to describe the times right BEFORE THE RAPTURE that Jesus tells us to watch for.

People will be eating and drinking at restaurants, planning their beach vacations, golf outings and shopping sprees, making long term plans about marriage, rehearsal dinners, honeymoons etc... all the while THEY KNEW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN until it was too late...and those folks were left behind to suffer The Tribulation.

I have to admit that I am a bit sickened by watching and hearing about the stories of the shopping that took place over this past weekend.  The HOLY DAY of Christ's birth (God coming to earth in the flesh=Emanuel) has been reduced to a pagan free-for-all at the mall with millions of Americans stampeding to buy the latest crap that none of us really NEED.

As I watch the stampeding horde of shoppers slugging it out at Walmart, I have to ask myself, "How many people tearing around at the malls over this weekend have ANY CLUE about Jesus and the terribly serious mission he completed at His first coming?"

And the follow up question is, "How many people tearing around at the malls this weekend have ANY CLUE about what Jesus' 2nd mission is going to be when He returns for His bride (rapture) and then returns 7 years later to set up His kingdom on earth?"

Of course your heart breaks as you realize that the answer is "VERY FEW".

"Wide is the road that leads to destruction and many will be on it.  Narrow is the path that leads to eternal life and FEW will be on it."

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts are mine exaclty. I was especially frustrtaed when I went to target last night to find a nativity scene to decorate my house and I walked through 7 isles of Christmas decorations and glittery ornaments and found not a single one. I'm sure target didn't want to offend anyone...i am going to e-mail all my contacts at Target and tell them how offended I am that they don't recognize Christmas for what it is!
