
Monday, November 26, 2012

WWIII is Coming Sooner Than You Think

We have blogged many times about the Federal Reserve so I won't go about explaining it again right now.  We have also spoken much about the Bretton Woods agreement following WWII that gave America unprecedented control of the earth's entire financial I won't explain that again right now.

With that being said, watch this 13 minute video about the coming WWIII and notice how they tie in the Federal Reserve and also how they reference the Bretton Woods agreement and our subsequent abuse of that agreement.

See it here;

Understand that this video is NOT produced by a Bible-Prophecy-Watcher...but instead is produced by someone who is just asking us to connect the historical dots...and I have to be honest, a lot of those dots need to be connected.

We have quoted 1 John 5 quite a few times as of late, but please remember again that "The whole world is under the control of the evil one."

As you watch this video and you see the carnage coming when America ultimately collapses and you look at what role we played in toppling many of the countries that the Bible speaks of in the LAST DAYS...please understand that America, its wealth and its military might have been used by Satan (as allowed by God) to bring us to a place where maximum carnage can result.

After all, President Obama CLEARLY said it himself...'America is no longer a Christian nation.'

I wonder if America was EVER a Christian nation?  If the answer to that is 'yes'...the follow up question would be, "when? "

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis, Thanks, this was a good video. Much truth here...
