
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fun Facts

Some of you probably know I am in the financial business so get sent quite a few news letters from various sources that offer the latest financial analysis of the day.

Today I received the weekly addition of BY THE NUMBERS and will pluck out a few of the fun facts for your enjoyment.
- For tax year 2010, 142.9 million tax returns were filed in the USA. 3% of those returns reported adjusted gross income (AGI) of at least $200,000. Those high income Americans received 28% of all AGI in the country and paid 52% of all federal income tax for the year at at an effective tax rate of 22% (source: Internal Revenue Service).
Question for Mr. Obama....are you REALLY going to be able to fix America's financial problems by simply asking the 'rich folks' who make more than $200K to "pay a little bit more"....or are you lying to us all?  Those 3% already pay 52% of all income taxes!  How long and how hard can you keep milking the same cow?

- For tax year 2010, 142.9 million tax returns were filed in the USA. 41% of those filed returns (58.4 million returns) legally paid zero federal income tax through exemptions, deductions and credits (source: IRS).
41% paid nothing into the Fed Income tax system?  I wonder who those 41% voted for??  Could those folks have been a large part of the 47% that Mitt Romney was referring to?
- 84% of the 58.4 million tax returns filed in 2010 that did not pay any federal income tax reported less than $30,000 of adjusted gross income.
(source: Internal Revenue Service)

Ouch!!  That is an awful lot of folks with AGI of less than $30,000!  How do you buy health insurance, groceries, pay rent, buy gasoline, utilities, buy a car, fix a car, insure a car, etc...when your AGI is less than $30k?

When will we reach the point when the whole society will simply unravel because the MATH SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK!!

Liberals say to me, "Dennis, you seem so unloving in your comments.  We need to care for everyone!"

To which I always reply, "Please show me your MATH AND LOGIC that explain how "we" are going care for everyone."

At which point the liberal usually walks away and says, "I'm not going to have this conversation anymore."

You see, as a rule...liberals don't like MATH and they don't like LOGIC.  They run their engines on EMOTIONS and FEELINGS....and when you corner a liberal with math and logic you better watch out because their EMOTIONS will spring at you like a cornered raccoon.

Remember friends, Republicans have no corner on the market of being "good politicians".  I am coming to the strong conclusion that both major parties have been equally led astray by the EVIL ONE.  Our elected leaders and the people who elected them are simply suffering from a lack of SPIRITUAL MATURITY.  There is a famine in this nation, not of food but of the WORD OF GOD.

However please also remember that Jesus came to bring us THE TRUTH...and quite honestly our human emotions and feelings almost always lead us astray. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Funny I ran a similar set of numbers.

    On another note in Jpost today

    Cairo court gives death penalty to Egyptian Christians tried in absentia for participating in "Innocence of Muslims" video.

    Let me get this. Make a movie that says that Islam is violent and they call it an insult and lies and thay you will be killed.

    Perfect sence to me....
