
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Idonesians Protest Israeli Terrorism

Why the heck would a bunch of Indonesians, thousands of miles away from Gaza, want to start protesting against Israel for killing a few dozen Arabs in a defensive war? 

Why haven't they been protesting Syria for killing thousands of Arabs?

Why haven't they protested America for killing hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan?

Why?....because Indonesia is a Muslim nation...and you can't link yourself to the Satanic death cult of Islam for long before you start to feel the pull towards hating Israel and ultimately hating Jews.

Indonesians protest Israel's Gaza offensive
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian police have fired tear gas to push back nearly 200 protesters at the U.S. Embassy in the capital angry over Israel's offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza.

Members of the Islamic Student Association rallied Wednesday in front of the embassy in Jakarta, waving Palestinian flags and holding banners that read: "Save Palestine from Israel, the terrorist."

Jakarta police spokesman Col. Rikwanto said protesters hurled rocks and eggs outside the embassy, forcing the anti-riot squad to fire tear gas to disperse the crowd. Twelve students were detained for questioning. No injuries were reported.

The weeklong Israeli offensive against militants in Gaza has killed more than 130 Palestinians. Militant rocket fire into Israel has killed five Israelis.

Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, is a strong supporter of the Palestinians.


Gazans went to the voting booth and elected Hamas, which is a terror organization.  They wanted Hamas to shoot missiles into Israel...and the have shot thousands over the past few years.  When Israel can stand the attacks no longer...Israel retaliates with missiles right into the bedrooms of Hamas. 

Why can't people understand how simple that story is? 

Because the world is going TOTALLY blind.  They simply can't understand truth...and they certainly can't understand Truth.

As we have been saying...when you see something that makes to logical sense, there must be a supernatural force behind it.

In this case the supernatural force is Satan, who is the Prince of the Earth...and he is working his lies through Islam.

"We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5:19

No wonder we are all so excited to see King Jesus!!

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