
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

U.S. Troops Headed to Syria?

As the WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR continue to build....we see some chatter about the U.S. military having to send troops into Syria in order to secure the chemical weapons...lest they should fall into even SCARIER MUSLIMS.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has told the Obama administration that any military effort to seize Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons would require upward of 75,000 troops, amid increasing concern that the militant group Hezbollah has set up small training camps close to some of the chemical weapons depots, according to senior American officials.

The estimated size of the potential effort, provided to the White House by the military’s Central Command and Joint Staff, called into question whether the United States would have the resources to act quickly if it detected the movement of chemical weapons and forced President Obama, as he said in August, to “change my calculus” about inserting American forces into Syria. So far Mr. Obama has avoided direct intervention into the most brutal civil conflict to emerge from the Arab Spring uprisings, and the Pentagon assessment was seen as likely to reinforce that reluctance.

The discovery that Hezbollah has set up camps close to some of the depots, however, has renewed concern that as the chaos in Syria deepens, the country’s huge chemical weapons stockpiles could fall into the wrong hands. Hezbollah fighters have been training at “a limited number of these sites,” said one senior American official who has been briefed on the intelligence reports and spoke on the condition of anonymity. “But the fear these weapons could fall into the wrong hands is our greatest concern.”


Yes!!....they could fall into the wrong hands!!  Holy surprise!!!!!

Isn't that funny that the Arab world has become so nasty that Syrian president Assad is thought of as the "right hands" to hold those chemical weapons?

We thought Mubarak of Egypt was a bad dude...until we found out later that the Egyptians wanted an even worse dude to run their affairs...and they voted in the Muslim Brotherhood.

I have an idea that when Assad gets killed or arrested that Syrians will also elect someone who is filled with even more hatred of Jews and Israel than Assad is.

And if those evil forces get their hands on tons of nerve gas and start trying to use it on Israel...the Isaiah 17 prophecy will be fulfilled faster than you can say, "nuclear bomb."

Hat tip to Tom F.

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