
Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Euro Note is Woman Riding a Beast

Here in America we have some pretty strange symbols on the back of our dollar bills...pyramids, the ALL-SEEING EYE of Osiris, the rising Phoenix, etc...

Now Europe is coming out with a picture on its money that would appear to be somewhat prophetic.

BRUSSELS - In Greek mythology, the Phoenician princess Europa was abducted and raped by the king of the gods, Zeus.

But her image will from next year replace pictures of windows and doors on euro banknotes as a security and decorative feature.
"Portraits have long been used in banknotes around the world and research has shown that people tend to remember faces. Is there any better figure than Europa to serve as the new face of the euro?" the chief of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, said on Thursday (8 November) according to Bloomberg.

She will first appear on the €5 note in May, with other notes introduced in ascending order in the next few years.

See it all here;

Interesting...we have a woman riding a beast...and the photo is on the European money...and MANY prophecy watchers believe that Europe will give rise to the Antichrist....

Is there any mention of a 'beast' in Revelation?  Yes, there is.

And finally, re-read Genesis 6 and understand that fallen angels abducted (took) human women, had intercourse with them and spawned some strange flesh...which led up to the DAYS OF NOAH.

Next understand that Jesus said that the final days before the rapture that ushers in the END OF DAYS will be like the DAYS OF NOAH. "As it was in the days of Noah....", says Jesus.

Now re-read the first sentence of this article...."In Greek mythology, the Phoenician princess Europa was abducted and raped by the king of the gods, Zeus."

What if it wasn't simply mythology?  What if one of the chief fallen angels called himself 'Zeus' and actually did take a woman and rape her...which spawned super-human beings that the Hebrews called 'nephilim'?

As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction."

A lot to ponder...I know.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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