
Sunday, November 18, 2012

No End in Sight to Israel-Gaza Violence

If you want to watch some video from the BBC about Gaza and Israel exchanging can see it here;

Notice at the end of the video the reporter says, "There is no end in sight."

Israel has been shelling Gaza for a fifth day, killing at least 21 people, as PM Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was ready to "significantly expand" its operation.

Rockets from Gaza have again landed in Israel. One rocket caused damage and injuries in the city of Ashkelon.

The BBC's Jon Donnison sent this report from Gaza City, where he said there was "no end in sight" as the violence continued.

Of course this violence will soon have the world yelling at Israel to stop bombing Gaza...but where was that same world when militants from Gaza lobbed 8000 missiles into Israel?  Where were the calls for Gaza Arabs to make it stop?  Of course there weren't any.

That is the double standard.

If a grizzly bear is sleeping and you go and poke it with a fork until it wakes up and proceeds to rip your arm off...does anyone say, "Hey Mr. Bear!  You used unequal violence!!  You should have only poked him with a fork and given him what he gave you!!"

Of course not.  When you provoke a bear, you will get hurt.

In the same way, the Arabs need to understand that you can't provoke Israel with 8000 random missiles fired from Gaza and expect Israel to respond with 8000 missiles fired arbitrarily into Gaza.  No they will respond with laser guided missiles, attack helicopters, tanks and war planes...and they will will the arm off of Hamas....and anyone unfortunate enough to be ruled by Hamas will end up in harms way.

Sadly, the people of Gaza VOTED HAMAS INTO POWER.

Also if you want to talk about double standards, look at America waging a war in Afghanistan.  How many Afghan civilians have we killed in the past 10 years as we attempt to root the Taliban and Al Qiada out of the hills?  Hundreds.

But as soon as Israel goes into Gaza to stop the Hamas and a few civilians get killed....the world has a HOLY COW.

"I will make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling."  Says God.  Zechariah 12:2

Who are the surrounding peoples?   Look on a map and see who is surrounding the Jews of Israel.

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