
Thursday, December 13, 2012

12-12-12 Benefit Concert

I was just watching some clips from the biggest benefit concert EVER that was put on for Hurricane Sandy relief yesterday. 

They had all the top liberal, godless singers parading across the stage singing their pop hit songs of the past decades.  The druggies called the Rolling Stones were there who helped to lead an entire generation into casual drug use.

They kept parading out all these big singing stars and comedians who all had their root sin NYC and NJ, which of course were the hardest hit parts by Sandy.

At one point, comedian/satirist Bill Maher came out (notice the irony of how many of these folks, including Bill, are Jewish?) and said, "No matter what you throw at us, we will always come back...because we are New Yorkers!" (This is not a verbatim quote, but you get the idea)

Of course the crowd goes wild.

Question for you....WHO WAS BILL TALKING TO?  Mother Nature?  Father Sky?  Aunt Hurricane?

Or was he talking to the Lord and Creator of all things who sends us earthquakes, droughts, famines and storms in an attempt to wake us up and turn back to Him before it's too late?

The pride and insolence of this generation is staggering.

We simply can not keep giving God the middle finger while running into the arms of the whore-gods of MATERIALISM, WEALTH, HEDONISM and PRIDE for much longer now before God finally says, "ENOUGH!"

As it was in the days of Noah, people were just running around doing life, eating out, planning their weddings, building additions on their homes, planning summer vacations, and landscaping projects, etc... while they laughed at Noah for being so serious and warning them about the wrath of God that none of them believed WOULD EVER COME.

And they kept laughing until the sky broke open and the flood came and took them all away to their deaths.

Jesus said it will be like that again before he returns for His Bride.  The wrath of God that follows during The Tribulation will kill most of them.

Friends, if you haven't sobered up yet and asked Jesus to give you peace with God, which is a peace that ONLY JESUS CAN GIVE....please consider doing it right now...because when God decides to tear this place down, I believe it is going to happen rather quickly....just like a flash flood.


  1. This is slightly off the subject of your post--but not entirely. Your writing regarding God sending storms to wake us up, etc, reminded me of something disturbing I saw after the tornados that destroyed a southern town. I saw this on facebook. There was a photo of the destruction, and several Christians had made comments about how they would not serve a God that would create or allow such destruction! They were of the "name it and claim it" sort. It scares me that anyone would say,"I would not serve God if...". These Christians don't seem to read the parts of the Bible that tell us "in this world there will be trouble...". It scares me to think what could happen to these Christian's faith when life's storms come.Do you have any thoughts on this?

  2. Good point...I agree. The Bible says that God is NEVER CHANGING. If he allowed the Assyrians to sack the 10 tribes of Israel and allowed the 2 tribes from Judah to be hauled away to Babylon for 70 years DUE TO THEIR DISOBEDIENCE...why not send storms on us? Peter tells us that "Judgment begins in the house of the Lord." guessing that me by all of those who claim to be Christians? Also, Amos 3:6 says, "When a trumpet sounds in the city, (warning of danger) do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it?" Deuteronomy 8:19 says, "If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you , so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God." Again, God is NEVER it becomes clear that Americans are worshipping false gods and have forgotten the God who GAVE US ALL THESE BLESSINGS...will this nation not be destroyed?
