
Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Divided Jerusalem Will Not Stand

We have mentioned previous times over the years how the Wall Street Journal has something to say about Israel almost every single day.

"I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling....", says God as He tells us about the Last Days.

What could that mean?  It means that the world will be wondering what the heck to do about Jerusalem and the nations will be going back and forth, back and forth wringing their hands.

God also says that one day He will gather the nations and judge them for how they treated Israel and the Jews...and how they attempted to DIVIDE GOD'S HOLY LAND.

Yesterday was one more day where Jerusalem made the Wall Street Journal.  This time an article written by the Mayor of Jerusalem.

Israel's government is under heavy criticism for recently approving building permits in what the international community calls "the settlements." Yet places like Ramat Shlomo, Gilo and Givat Ha'matos are well within the municipal borders of Jerusalem, and the virgin hills of "E-1"—between the city of Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adumim—have over three millennia of deep Jewish roots. Here in Jerusalem, we stand saddened and appalled by the European Union ministers who condemn these construction projects while ignoring calls from the leader of Hamas for the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel.

When the people of Israel left Egypt and came to this region 3,500 years ago, each of the 12 tribes received a piece of land on which they built their cities and developed their ways of life. The exception to the rule was the holy city of Jerusalem, which wasn't divided or given to any of the tribes. Jerusalem served all 12 Jewish tribes equally, as it did the people of other faiths who came to worship here.

After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in the year 70, the city traded hands from conqueror to conqueror—including the Babylonians, Assyrians, Turks, British and Jordanians—for two millennia. None of these rulers maintained the city's freedom of religion, Jerusalem's essence. These empires never adopted Jerusalem as their capital. The Jewish people, on the other hand—even in their darkest days, amid expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust and waves of terror—have always comforted themselves with the saying: "Next year in Jerusalem."

In 1967, Israel reunified its capital, Jerusalem, which had been divided between Israeli and Jordanian control since the Jewish state's founding in 1948. Since then the city has maintained freedom of access, movement and religion. Peace-seeking pilgrims of all faiths can again visit the holy places without limitation or restriction. Tourism to Jerusalem is thriving, as is the city's economy, and its per capita crime rate is among the world's lowest.

As for "E-1," this land has always been considered the natural site for the expansion of contiguous neighborhoods of metropolitan Jerusalem. "E-1" strengthens Jerusalem. It does not impede peace in our region. The international alarm about planned construction is based solely on the misplaced dreams of the Palestinians and their supporters for a divided Jerusalem.

Jerusalem has been and forever will be the heart and soul of the Jewish people. It is also the united and undivided capital of the state of Israel. The Jewish people and the Jewish state have a bumpy road ahead. We appreciate the support of our friends, and only through continued bold leadership at home—leadership willing to stand up to pressure from foreign capitals—will we get through this challenging time.


So the Arabs want to divide Jerusalem?  Of course you realize by now that Islam claims the JEWS WERE NEVER IN JERUSALEM and that the whole thing has always been Muslims!  It's so funny because MUSLIMS NEVER EVEN EXISTED until 800 years AFTER CHRIST LEFT THIS EARTH!

Yes, I know....those Muslims have swallowed a whole bunch of lies given to them directly from the Father of All Lies.  And sadly, since so many can't read they have no real way to check and see what the facts really are.

Friends, Jerusalem is the APPLE OF GOD'S EYE.  It is the center of earth.  We all better pull out pen and paper and write Hillary, Obama, your Congressman and Senators and tell them, DON'T MESS WITH JERUSALEM.  Just come out and announce what Congress voted on 15 yrs ago to approve...that JERUSALEM IS THE CAPITAL OF A JEWISH STATE CALLED ISRAEL.

Just let the Muslims cry.  They are going to cry no matter what anyone says or does.  For Pete's sake, if they cry over a Muhammad video on YouTube...I guess they will cry over anything.

The world is turning on Israel.  The headlines are pointing it out every single day.  Let's make sure we all do our part to keep America standing WITH HER until the Lord returns for us.

Amen and amen.

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