
Friday, December 14, 2012

Another Shooting Rampage

I'm sure most who are watching the news today know that some dude went into a school and started blowing kids away in Connecticut.

An emotional President Obama, wiping away tears and choking up as he spoke, said Friday that "our hearts are broken" for the families of the victims in the deadly mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. The president, hinting at possible legislation, pledged "meaningful action" to prevent more killings in the future.

The president addressed the tragedy during remarks at the White House Friday afternoon, as details continued to emerge. Authorities say at least 26 people, most of them children, were killed when a gunman clad in black military gear opened fire inside a Connecticut elementary school.

The president, who in the past has maintained his composure at such moments no matter the depth of the tragedy at hand, on Friday paused repeatedly, struggling to get through his remarks.
The president stopped for several seconds, his eyes welling up, as he discussed the victims.

Read more:

What can you say?  The love of many is growing cold.  People are desperately lost, Satan is rising and people are coming up with incredibly heinous ideas.

Let's watch and see what Obama means by "meaningful action" when it comes to stopping these shootings.  I'm just guessing that the gun control police are going to get ramped up in a big way...and begin to push through all sorts of ideas to drastically limit gun ownership.

So let's assume that one day a law was passed and all guns were made illegal to keep in your homes.  Who would turn them in?  Of course only law abiding citizens.

Who would be left holding all the guns?  Criminals and whack jobs. 

Will the shootings stop?  Of course not.

On a side bar, the other big news today is that a man in China went into an elementary school with a knife and slashed 22 kids and an adult.


  1. I would not consider myself one of the tinfoil hat wearing lot, however, I had a very disturbing thought after I heard the news today. With all of the recent shootings, what if they were somehow connected to a larger, coordinated effort to destroy America? You mentioned Obama's comments on action, which you and I both know will involve gun control. I hear Bob Schaffer comment this evening that this might be the event to [turn the tides] towards greater gun control. Satan is ramping up his efforts and the love of many has indeed gone cold. What if these rampages were somehow encouraged, or worse, planned?

    I would be interested in your thoughts.

  2. Hey Christopher, 1 John tells us very clearly that "The whole world is under the control of the evil one." Of course that includes America. Do I believe that some shadowy men put together a plan for the school shooting and convinced a 20 yr old young man to shoot up a school? No. Do I believe that satan comes into people and plants evil thoughts and convinces them to carry out something heinous? Absolutely. You will be interested in the post I just did from Joel Rosenberg and the demons of violence being loosed on America.
