
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dangerous ATV's

I have been debating, via email, some LIBERALS about gun control.  You see, they don't like guns.  And since they don't like them...they believe that no one should have them.

Of course the 24-7 news continues to show the innocent faces of those kids in CT who were gunned down...and the liberals claim that if they could take every one's guns...then bad things like this would never happen.

So is it the death of children that is their main concern?  Or is it their dislike of the guns?

Now read this article about these dangerous ATV's that are killing and injuring kids all over the country.

Carolyn Anderson never knew her son was riding an ATV, until the call came to tell her that 14-year-old James had been in an accident and was being rushed to the hospital.

“I screamed,” Anderson told TODAY. “It was like this primal scream. I intuitively just knew..."
James died before Anderson and her husband could get to the hospital.

The Andersons learned later that James had been riding an all-terrain vehicle on vacation with a friend’s family in New Hampshire and that he’d lost control of 700-pound vehicle and crashed into a tree.

James Anderson is hardly alone.

In April, Jeremy Bryant, a 10th grader from Utah, died after breaking his neck in an ATV accident.

 And in 2010 at least 55 children under age 16 were killed in ATV accidents, while more than 28,000 others were seriously injured.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has warned Americans that the vehicles are dangerous.

“ATVs are the fifth deadliest product that we oversee,” Inez Tenenbaum, chairman of the CPSC, told TODAY. “Every year 700 people die and 136,000 go to the emergency room because of ATV related injuries.”

Some say it’s not the vehicles that are to blame, but the way people use them. There are numerous videos on YouTube to showing crazy behavior on ATVs.

Despite the scary statistics, ATVs have never been more popular, with 11 million now in use compared to 4 million in 2000, according to TODAY's Tom Costello.


(please turn on your sarcasm meter now) Oh my goodness!  Mayhem everywhere!  The numbers of these killer-machines has skyrocketed from 4 million to 11 million in a decade!  Can anyone just walk into the store and buy these instruments of death?  Who in their right mind would own one of these machines when children are in the area?  55 little, innocent kids dead in one year...and all because some folks think it's their RIGHT to own these machines for FUN!!  Yes, some say it's not the vehicles but how people use them....but that is a crock!  That's just the ATV CLUB OF AMERICA that says this, and they have millions of dollars of lobbyists in D.C. that are paid for by Polaris, Arctic Cat, Suzuki and Honda!!  These companies do NOTHING of value but make things for people to die on!!

And now my friends, you can see how it is.  Liberals want to make the world a place where kids are in bubble wrap.  They want the government to make it so NO ONE EVER DIES!  A place where climbing trees, riding horses, throwing LAWN JARTS and riding on grandpa's tractor...all becomes TOO DANGEROUS.  "Think of the children!!"

And this is the question that I love, "How would YOU FEEL if your child were to die?"

Hey all, did you know that SWIMMING POOLS are THE MOST DANGEROUS thing you could possibly have around your house?  Now quit it!!

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