
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Random Thought Demands a Logical Answer

I have a few liberal readers of this blog who have challenged me because I claim that Conservatives tend to favor LOGIC and MATH whereas LIBERALS tend to work from FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.

With that being said, I was pondering a true case;

A man was recently charged with vehicular manslaughter because he recklessly crashed his car into a woman and killed her.  The woman happened to be pregnant so he was charged with TWO for killing the woman and one for the unborn baby.

What if it could be proven that the woman was driving to the abortion clinic when she was hit and killed?  Should one of the counts then be dropped because she was on her way to kill the baby anyway?

Why does the media report the news by calling it an "unborn baby"...but when they talk about abortion they call it a "fetus"?

If you are one of my LIBERAL readers, could you please answer this question using LOGIC?

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