Monday, December 3, 2012

Hillary Warns Syria

Just to give you a heads up...this little news report aired on Good Morning America at about 7:10 this morning.

It was reported that Sec of Defense, Hillary Clinton, has WARNED Syria about messing with their chemical weapons and has flat out told them that if they use chemicals on ANYBODY that the U.S. Military will get involved in Syria.

Of course this is incredibly interesting because of the Isaiah 17 prophecy.

A few days ago, President Assad appears to have taken down the Internet and also cell phone service.  Why?  I'm guessing he wants to control the information GOING OUT of Syria and it's not helping his cause when the civilians take cell phone photos of butchered kids taken out by Assad's helicopters and then send them around the world.

Some of us are wondering if Assad wants all communication knocked out because he is getting ready to go on a massive offensive and take out an entire city...maybe using chemical weapons just like his buddy Saddam Hussein did?

Last July Syria warned it would use its chemical weapons if any foreign armies were sent into Syria.  Here;

Of course this prompted a response from President Obama who warned of 'Enormous consequences' if Syria used chemicals. Here;

As the age old question goes...what came first, the chicken or the egg?

In this situation the question might be...what happens first, a chemical attack by Syria or the U.S. Army going into Syria to stop a chemical attack?

What I do know is that all the Islamic terrorist groups in the world have offices in Damascus.  What I do know is that Israel is EXTREMELY sensitive when it comes to Jews being killed by gas.  What I do know is that the Bible says Damascus will one day be destroyed. 

"In the evening, sudden terror.  In the morning, THEY ARE GONE!"

Where did the folks of Damascus go? 

It's just a guess here....but I'm guessing that Israel is going to use some type of atomic bomb and drop it right on top of all the terrorist headquarters in Damascus in retaliation (or pre-emption?) of somebody in Syria getting ready to take out Jews with chemicals.

That'll sure change the world.....


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