
Monday, December 3, 2012

It's NOT Signs From God...Its Climate Change

We all know that it is getting harder to argue with the fact that something big is going on.  Biggest tsunami EVER, biggest blizzard EVER, driest weather EVER, worst hurricane EVER,...the list just goes on and on and on.

For those of us armed with our Bibles we can connect the dots and realize that all of these things are happening with a purpose of WAKING UP A SLEEPY WORLD and saying, "Sober up!!  King Jesus is coming!!"  In fact the Rapture Index is at an all time high today because of all these signs.  See it here;

Sadly, for those who DON'T believe the Word of God, they HAVE to come up with some other explanation for what is happening.  What could it be??  IT'S MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE...don't you know.

(Also please make a mental note to yourselves...if its a SNOW, ICE and COLD weather event, the media calls it CLIMATE CHANGE.  If its a RAIN, DROUGHT and HEAT weather event the media calls it GLOBAL WARMING)

Large Majorities Blame Sandy on Global Warming

Most New Yorkers think Sandy is a result of climate change, a new poll shows

New Yorkers overwhelmingly agree that climate change was behind super storm Sandy, which hit that state particularly hard a little over a month ago. Fully 69 percent of Empire State residents blame climate change for the storm, while just 24 percent think it was “isolated weather events,” according to a Siena Research Institute poll released this morning. That includes at least 63 percent of voters in every region of the state, and even a near-majority — 46 percent — of Republicans. Two-thirds of independent voters also blame climate change. “There may be a debate about what has caused the global climate change, but for most New Yorkers there is no debate that it is occurring,” said pollster Steven Greenberg of the strong consensus.


Well that's good in that at least they aren't claiming a consensus of WHAT IS CAUSING the global warming.  They are just done with the debate...and the conclusion is;  THE WORLD IS GETTING WARMER.

Hey...did you know that 69% of New Yorkers can't name what came first, the Civil War or WWII?

Hey...did you know that 69% of New Yorkers have no clue that their state was just named in the TOP 3 of WORST RUN STATES?

So while it is all very interesting that 69% blame climate change for the STRANGEST HURRICANE EVER to strike the nation(Sandy) ....thankfully facts are not determined by consensus.

Yes, our nation is about to go under in bankruptcy because the majority of us believed we could spend other people's money forever...and that appears to be the wrong conclusion.

The Lord is ringing the bell.  He is sounding the alarm.  He is giving us all the very signs He told us to "Watch!" for....and all we can come up with here on planet earth is, "It's gotta be that dang climate change!  Honey...where are the keys for the 500 hp water ski boat and our SUV?!"

Isaiah 29:14
14 Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.
Yep...sounds about right...the Lord sends us wonder after wonder and the smartest scientists on earth tell us its climate change.
Holy confusion!

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