
Monday, December 3, 2012

Western Intel Warns of Syrian Chemicals

Here is a follow up article to the post I did earlier today on Hillary warning Syria.

Funny....President Bush went to Arab Iraq looking to secure WMD's and finish the 'War on Terror'.

It appears Obama may have to go into Arab Syria looking to secure WMD's to continue the fight of the 'War on Terror.'

Did you know that Syria and Iraq used to be a nation called Assyria during Bible times?

Huh....we are gonna need to noodle that one around a little bit......

The Obama administration stressed anew Monday that it wouldn’t accept any use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, as Western intelligence agencies detected movement of Syria’s stockpiled weapons of mass destruction. In response, Damascus stated it “would not use” such weapons against Syrians.

The US and allied intelligence detected Syrian movement of chemical weapons components in recent days, a senior US defense official told the Associated Press, as the Obama administration again warned the Assad regime against using chemical weapons on Syrian rebels.
The senior defense official said intelligence officials have detected activity around more than one of Syria’s chemical weapons sites in the last week. The defense official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about intelligence matters.
Whew!!  That's a relief!!  Damascus said they won't use chemicals on their own people!!  They will just continue to butcher them with guns, bombs and missiles.
Wait....then who are the chemicals for if not to be used on Syrians?
"Allah akbar!!  Death to Israel!!  Death to America!!"
So I'm guessing that's why Israel and America are SO INTERESTED in knowing who is going to get control of Syria's WMD's...
As we already day Damascus is going to be sorry that they have been planning the destruction of Israel and Jews for SO DARN LONG!!

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