
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Justice Scalia Uses Bestiality Example

About 6 months ago I got in an email debate with someone who claimed that anyone who wasn't FOR gay-sex and gay marriage was INTOLERANT.

I asked him if he was FOR bestiality.  He responded that sex with animals is so rare that it can't even be used in an argument.  I quickly sent him about 20 articles that have appeared over the past 6 months that show the explosion of human-animal sexual encounters and even the state governments challenge in combating the growing desire for this brand of perversion.

Upon viewing the articles he said, "Well that's just gross."

I next asked if that meant that he was INTOLERANT of bestiality...and he had to admit that he was.

"Well welcome to the intolerant club!!", I told him.

One of today's top headlines on Google is that Justice Scalia has also used the bestiality example and was challenged to explain himself by a gay student.

The Supreme Court justice was visiting Princeton University on Monday to discuss his latest book when a college freshman, who identifies as gay, asked Scalia about the comparison he has drawn between laws banning sodomy with those barring bestiality and murder, according to The Daily Princetonian.

“If we cannot have moral feelings against or objections to homosexuality, can we have it against anything?” Scalia said in response to the question. “I don’t think it’s necessary, but I think it’s effective.”

Scalia told Princeton student Duncan Hosie that he is not equating sodomy with bestiality or murder, but drawing parallels between the bans.

Scalia added dryly, “I’m surprised you weren’t persuaded,” the student newspaper reported.

Scalia has "not been opaque" about his feelings toward same-sex marriage in the past, and gay rights advocates do not expect him to change his mind when the Supreme Court hears the cases in the spring, said Fred Sainz, vice president of communications at Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights organization.

"It's safe to say he is a vote in the 'no' column," Sainz said. "He is not a justice that has an open mind towards these issues that are coming his way.”


Incredible!!  You gotta love that comment right above that Scalia is, "not a justice with an open mind." 

Why is it that anybody that disagrees with a liberal just "doesn't have an open mind"?

Could they even imagine the possibility that folks who disagree with them actually DO HAVE AN OPEN MIND and that after running the perverse facts through that OPEN MIND...they conclude that those actions will be BAD FOR SOCIETY so they vote against them?

No, they simply can't imagine that.

Remember what the definition of "Liberal Elite" actually is....a liberal elite believes that if ONLY you WERE AS SMART AS THEM....then you could clearly see the way things are....BUT because YOU AREN'T AS SMART AS THEY are simply relegated to the category of "closed minded" or "uneducated' or "judgmental" or "bigoted".

The liberal elites are positive that the world would be a better place if the entire world were filled with people who were as smart, responsible, green and open-minded as they are.

Of course this is how socialism usually ends up killing millions of people over the past 100 years.  The folks who just DON'T GET IT....are standing in the way of their LIBERAL ELITE UTOPIA...and those folks need to be removed for the betterment of all.

You watch and see what is going to happen as the LIBERAL ELITES get even more angry over ANYONE who questions man-made global warming.  As the liberals conclude that drought, hurricanes, tornadoes and all weather patterns are caused by man screwing up nature....they will start to figure out a way to silence their foes.

I wonder if that is EXACTLY why gun sales are exploding in America as Conservatives rush out to buy every gun they can fit into their safes?  They have a hunch in their gut that the liberals may soon try to take them all to make the WORLD A BETTER PLACE.

Plus they have a sense that society is getting really close to breaking down...and when that happens, hungry, angry people are going to try and take anything that isn't defended.

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right. People who are attuned to God's word and have accepted Christ into their hearts know of what is to come. As the liberal elite becomes more emboldened, we will see these scenarios play out more and more every day. No wonder people are buying up weapons and ammunition.
