
Monday, December 10, 2012

Wife Swapping Soon to be the "New Normal"

Holy flood!!

I know the Lord said that once it came, it would come like a flood...but even so, it is simply amazing what a flood of immorality actually looks like.

Just a few years ago every state that put marriage between a man and a woman on their ballots ended up winning easily.

Now just a few short years later, Americans who APPROVE of same-sex marriage are now in the majority.

So what's next?  Why can't men have two or three wives?

Wait...even better...maybe couples can just start swapping partners to keep their sex lives interesting....then a guy can have all the sex he wants without all the baggage of being married to multiple women.

Looks like that's heading our way like a flood too!!

Call it wife-swapping, call it creepy, but no matter what you call it, there’s no denying this alternative lifestyle is on the upswing.

Brian and his wife, both in their early forties, like to meet new couples privately over dinner and drinks to talk and gauge mutual interest in trading partners for sex. He’s been swinging for ten years.

 “I’m very happily married,” he says. So why the interest in this activity? Married swingers aren’t looking for affairs or romantic ties outside their home; they want sex with different partners—and the endorsement of their significant other. Consensual, recreational sex within the confines of matrimony.

The allure of swinging isn’t so much sex with someone new but that “vibe in the air which adds to an encounter,” he says. “It's a feeling most people haven't had since they were 17 and trying to get to second base. You don't know how the night is going to end.”

“Let's face it, it’s easy for a married couple to fall into a day-to-day rut. Work, kids, house chores, bills, repeat…,” Brian says. Swinging adds some excitement to the ins and outs of everyday life. And with the ease of finding information and partners online (Brian runs the website and changing attitudes about monogamy, more people may be taking the plunge, says Curtis Bergstrand, a sociologist at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky, and the author of “Swinging in America: Love, Sex and Marriage in the 21st Century.”

Like Brian, “they see it see it as way to introduce excitement back into their marriage,” Bergstrand says. These couples are “very much in love, and have lots of trust,” he adds. “They separate love from sex when they swing. Sex is just recreation.”


"Sex is just recreation."

Of course God gave sex to mankind as a gift between a married man and woman.  And since God ordained it....WHOM do you think is attempting to rip it all apart and pervert something beautiful into something disgusting?  Yep...the Prince of the Earth...better known as Satan.

"Did God really say that sex was limited to marriage?...or did he REALLY say that as long as YOU are married and that you both AGREE to swap...then He approves of that too?"

Satan has been tossing out the same line since the Garden of Eden when he deceived Eve.

The sad thing is that he has now tossed out so many lies and told them for so long...than now MOST OF AMERICA actually believes them.

Lord, help us.

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