
Monday, December 10, 2012

Mother Arrested for Intercourse With Her Son

When God made the list of nasty sex to avoid in Leviticus 18...He was VERY SPECIFIC about what not to do.  Why so much detail??  Because he knew that people one day would say, "Well I didn't think there was anything wrong with that!"

God then goes on to say that the people who were in the land BEFORE THE ISRAELITES were doing all those nasty things....and the land got defiled because of it.

Well, it looks like the people in America are now doing some really nasty things.

Today we have a story in the news about a Pennsylvania father who started showing porn to his 7 year old son and on his 8th birthday he got to have intercourse with his MOTHER!

A northeastern Pennsylvania couple have been convicted of sexually abusing their son, who testified he had frequent sexual encounters with his mom beginning when he was 8 and said his dad offered tips on what to do.

The 14-year-old boy told jurors at his parents' sex abuse trial he began having intercourse with his mom on his eighth birthday, about a year after his dad began showing him pornography.

Read more:

As we have heard some preachers say, "If God doesn't soon destroy America, He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology."

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