
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

3rd Intifada Has Begun

When the United Nations took steps last year to recognize Palestine as a nation....they most certainly empowered the Muslim horde.  Now it looks like another uprising to destroy Israel and throw the Jews into the sea may be coming....the 3rd Intifada.

Hebron group: 3rd intifada has begun
Video posted by newly-established group headed by members of Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and PFLP says it will fight to recover 'all of Palestine - from sea to the river'

Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron have distributed a video declaring the establishment of the "National Union Battalions," which according to them will be jointly headed by members of Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front or the Liberation of Palestine as a means of consolidating the struggle against Israel.

In its announcement, the group stressed that while it supports the UN's recognition of Palestine as a non-member observer state, it will fight to recover "all of Palestine – from the sea to the river."

The video message, which the Palestinians claim was taped on Friday, the group's members say "This is the beginning of a third Palestinian intifada, which is erupting from the heart of Hebron and will spread to all of Palestine."

In the clip, the group's representatives directly threaten Israel, saying that if it continues to arrest Palestinians in the West Bank, they will kidnap soldiers.

The group said its goals and demands include: The removal of all IDF checkpoints in the West Bank; the release of all Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails; an Israeli withdrawal from "all Palestinian lands"; an end to the Israeli "assault" against the residents of Hebron; the transfer of all tax revenues Israel has been withholding from the Palestinian Authority since the UN vote on upgrading the Palestinians' status; opening all border crossings and supplying electricity and water to the Gaza Strip.


Well I can tell you with 100% certainty that all these things the Arabs desire WILL NOT happen without a full on war with Israel.  I can also tell you with 100% certainty that a war between the Arabs and the Jews WILL NOT go well for the Arabs.

God has begun a great thing in the Promised Land by bringing the Jews back after being scattered for 2000 years. This return WILL CONTINUE because the Bible clearly says it will.  The Jews need more houses and more apartments for their expanding population...and every house they build makes the Arabs even more mad than they already are.

There seems to be little chance that any man can step into this situation and come up with any ideas for lasting peace....unless that man happens to be the Antichrist.

"He (the Antichrist) will confirm a covenant with many for one seven (7 years).  In the middle of the seven (3 1/2 years into it) he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. (Jewish temple will be doing animal sacrifices and Antichrist will stop this)  And on a wing of the temple (3rd Temple that needs to be built in Jerusalem), he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, (declare himself to be God?) until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." (Jesus returns to earth and destroys him)
Daniel 8:27

Cool!  You can almost hear the footsteps of Messiah!

Hat tip to Julie E.

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