
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

North Korea's Leader Says He Wants Peace

Turn on your cassette deck and resurrect your WE ARE THE WORLD song featuring Michael Jackson and a whole host of other Hollywood musicians..."All we are saying is give peace a chance."

It would appear that North Korea's leader has been listening to that cassette over the New Year celebration....because today he is saying he wants peace!

That's awesome!  We love peace!!

SEOUL — In a domestically televised New Year’s Day speech, North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Eun said he wants to “remove confrontation” on this divided peninsula and called on “anti-reunification forces” in South Korea to end their hostility toward the North.

The lengthy address, which laid out the national goals for 2013, marked Kim’s first formal remarks since the election two weeks ago of Park Geun-hye as South Korea’s next president.

The North Korean leader asked for a detente — but with prerequisites that the conservative Park is likely to be reluctant to accept. Both sides, Kim said, must implement joint agreements signed years ago by the North and liberal, pro-engagement presidents in Seoul. Those agreements call for, among other things, economic cooperation, high-level government dialogue and the creation of a special “cooperation” zone in the Yellow Sea, where the North and South spar over a maritime border.

Park, who takes office next month, has said she will resume humanitarian exchanges and small-scale economic projects with the North — efforts that were shuttered under outgoing hard-liner Lee Myung-bak. But Park has pledged to hold off on major economic cooperation unless the North disassembles its nuclear weapons program, something Pyongyang says it will never do.

Kim also portrayed a successful satellite launch last month as an event that would inspire citizens to work harder to boost the economy. Washington and its allies say the launch was a de facto intercontinental ballistic missile test that defied U.N. security resolutions.


Of course we are just guessing that North Korea is so short on food that the dude is just saying nice things to get some more barges ofrice shipped in from The West...but hey....we could be dead wrong.  Maybe he really does want peace!

Maybe then we could bring home the 38000 U.S. soldiers who have been stationed on the Korean Peninsula for the past 60 years?  Come to think of it....I wonder why the liberals haven't been upset about those soldiers being there for so long?  They sure were miffed about U.S. soldiers being in Iraq and Afghanistan....

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