
Monday, January 7, 2013

America's Coming Civil War?

We understand that if gasoline gets scarce and folks have to wait in line at gas stations for hours...tempers explode and fist fights ensue.  Witness hurricane Sandy's gasoline shortages.

We further understand if food becomes scarce and families in America start going hungry...people will claim 'desperate times call for desperate measures' as they loot grocery stores and steal from neighbors.  What happens if Food Stamp program goes broke?

We also are well aware of the families that have been split up over the past decade because of political arguments over Iraq, Obama, gun control, Jesus, social programs and taxes.  Many families (including mine) simply can't talk about many things because we know it will lead to seemingly unsolvable disagreements...with people leaving angry.

Could this nation get to a place where people choose sides and start slugging it out with guns, knives and we did just a short 150 years ago?

You bet we could.

With that, I'm not surprised to see an article like this appear on Fox News.

We're now one step closer to America's coming civil war

Experience teaches that those who believe in free markets are right. The November election and the budget deal, however, show that the other side is winning, and winning big.

Since 1970, America’s public sector has exploded as a percentage of GDP, rising to almost 25% last year. While the national unemployment rate hovers at the 8% mark, government worker unemployment rate is a cozy 3.8%. Sixteen percent of America’s workforce now work for government. By the time the Obama administration ends, we won’t be that far away from Argentina’s 21 percent.

Yet as an economic and social enterprise, government creates nothing.

Far from adding to people’s standard of living, government is the number one cause of poverty in this country. It forces those who depend on its largesse to live hand to mouth, with no time or money to plan for the future. They become unable to fend for themselves---and increasingly resentful of those who can.

When the economy tanks and the government checks have to shrink, their only alternative is to take to the streets. That’s what happening in Argentina, and in Greece; and that’s where the growth of government is taking us here, as this current budget deal increases handouts–and more and more Americans are finding that an unemployment or Social Security disability check is their only life line.

Washington’s Republicans and Democrats alike have become the toll collectors on the road to serfdom–and the road to Rosario.

How far down that road depends on how our private sector rallies in 2013 after two numbing defeats, first on November 7 and then on Capitol Hill this week.

It needs to explain to that 47 percent that when big government wins, we all lose–and that this nation won’t survive if it does.

Read more:

Here is what we DO KNOW.  America is nowhere to be mentioned in the Last Days prophecies foretold in the Bible.  People have tried to paste us in using some very sketchy verses about an eagle...or the young lions....or the islands...but I'm not buying it. 

And yes, I am well aware that Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah would have had NO NAME in which to reference America 2800 years ago....because America had never been a nation, like Iran, Cush, Put, Lebanon, etc... already had.

I believe America is going to come in on itself...borrowing the word from Joel Rosenberg...I believe this nation will "IMPLODE".

Wouldn't it be a fitting end to the WEALTHIEST NATION to EVER inhabit planet earth...who have now openly and proudly rejected Jesus Christ? 

Wouldn't it fit the biblical patterns if the STRONGEST MILITARY to EVER inhabit planet earth simply couldn't be launched...or turned on its Commander in Chief and Homeland Security?

I hope and pray that this country stays strong and that it is the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH that ultimately brings America to its knees, BUT...that is just a hope.  We in the church may VERY WELL see this nation laid low before we are taken out of here...if nothing else just to be eyewitnesses to what happens to a nation WHO FORGETS GOD and GOES WHORING after other gods.

Even so...come Lord Jesus.

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