
Monday, January 7, 2013

Obama Says, "We don't Have a Spending Problem"

As many of you already know, in 2012 the U.S. Government had to borrow 100% of the money necessary to run our ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and our ENTIRE U.S. MILITARY.

The taxes we did collect, from ALL sources, were just enough to fund our mandatory programs of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, interest on debt, etc...

Houston...we have a problem.

But according to Obama...there is no problem.

The Wall Street Journal reported, via Breitbart:
What stunned House Speaker John Boehner more than anything else during his prolonged closed-door budget negotiations with Barack Obama was this revelation: “At one point several weeks ago,” Mr. Boehner says, “the president said to me, ‘We don’t have a spending problem.’ “

I am talking to Mr. Boehner in his office on the second floor of the Capitol, 72 hours after the historic House vote to take America off the so-called fiscal cliff by making permanent the Bush tax cuts on most Americans, but also to raise taxes on high earners. In the interim, Mr. Boehner had been elected to serve his second term as speaker of the House. Throughout our hourlong conversation, as is his custom, he takes long drags on one cigarette after another.

The blogger goes on to say;

For years we’ve been trying to decide, “Is Obama stupid or is he purposely trying to destroy the US economy?”
Now we know the answer. He’s stupid as a can of Spam.
Thank you, America, for reelecting this destructive bonehead.

Of course we don't believe that Obama is stupid.  We believe that many of the smartest men and women in the world are starting to have their intelligence and wisdom taken from them....because they don't FEAR THE LORD.

Isaiah 29:13-14
13 The Lord says:

“These people come near to me with their mouth
and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.
14 Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.”
Please continue to pray for President Obama and all of our nation's leaders.  This is NOT a Democrat/Republican problem....this is a spiritual problem and can only be handled using spiritual battle methods.

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