
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Boy Scouts Say Gay is OK.?

Would anyone think it would be OK of a straight man wanted to be a Girl Scout leader and maybe go camping and share tents with all the 14 yr old girls...and maybe have discussions about their sexuality?

Probably not.

But would anyone think it's OK for a gay man to be a Boy Scout leader and maybe go camping, shower, frolic and share a tent with some 14 yr old boys...and discuss their sexuality?

Probably so.

On learning Monday that the Irving-based Boy Scouts of America might finally end its outdated and pointlessly cruel policy of discriminating against gay people, I was tempted to execute a little woo-hoo victory dance, right here in my messy newsroom cubicle.

After all, it was only a few weeks ago that I finally quit getting blistering mail over a column I wrote way back in July critical of the policy.

I only recently threw out the fat folder of these messages I had been keeping — it kept setting other stuff on my desk on fire — so maybe I can be forgiven for a little ha-ha-on-you moment. I’m only human.

But if the organization chooses at long last to drop its ban and join modern civilization, it won’t be my victory.

It won’t belong to activists and critics who have spoken up and called on the Scouts to wise up.

It belongs to families who want nothing more than to participate in the Scouting tradition, only to have the door slammed in their faces.

It belongs to teenagers who have had to choose between coming out and achieving the hard-won rank of Eagle Scout.

It belongs to moms who have been told they can’t be den mothers.

It belongs to gay adults who have been left out because there are still people in this country too mean and backward to grasp the self-evident fact that homosexuality and pedophilia share exactly the same similarities as heterosexuality and pedophilia.

This would be progress, but they’re not looking to go all rainbow-pride over at Scout HQ.

A statement released Monday confirms only that “the BSA is discussing removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation … members and parents would be able to choose a local unit that best meets the needs of their families.”


That's awesome!!  Now if a few gay men want to put together a Pack of Boy Scouts who are also all gay...the can openly advertise that they are an ALL GAY BOY PACK and attract other gay boys.  Then they can all go camping together, swim, shower, tent, hike and MAYBE (if the timing is right) they can also sodomize each other...and learn to do it in the Scouting way!!!

Have we all gone insane?!?!

Probably so.

"Evil will be called good and good will be called evil."


  1. Gay people are not anal sex. Gay people are people too. They are far more then their sexuality. Surprisingly, they don't have some agenda to make everybody gay. You sound like an ignorant asshole. Your God will judge you for the way you treat others. I hope he is just.

  2. Hi Anonymous, You say, "your God will judge you..." Is my God the same as your God? Why didn't you say "Our God will judge you..."? Just curious. For the record, it is not unloving to talk about sin. If your best friend was screwing his secratary behind his wife's back...would you tell him it was sinful? Or would you encourage him to keep going because he tells you, "It feels too good to quit!" Which would be showing love to your best friend?...encouraging him to embrace his sin and pay the penalty OR encouraging him to quit his sinful adultery and repent of his sin and beg his wife for forgiveness? Hate the SIN but LOVE THE SINNER.

  3. Loving is not equal to demeaning. You truly don't understand the way your words sound to other people.

    "That's awesome!! Now if a few gay men want to put together a Pack of Boy Scouts who are also all gay...the can openly advertise that they are an ALL GAY BOY PACK and attract other gay boys. Then they can all go camping together, swim, shower, tent, hike and MAYBE (if the timing is right) they can also sodomize each other...and learn to do it in the Scouting way!!!

    Have we all gone insane?!?!

    Probably so."

    Like, WTF? Are you serious? Really... This is demeaning and hurtful, not to mention condescending.

    I don't believe in a god.

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    first off, people who don't believe in God typically ARE NOT my readers. If I WERE writing a blog that was for SEEKERS I would probably NOT blog about adultery, Arabs, Islam, perversion, cannibalism, Chosen people, zombies, aliens and Nephilim. However, since this IS a blog about biblical prophecy and the Last Days...those topics are discussed almost 100% of the time. So while I realize that a Muslim reading my blog MAY TAKE OFFENSE to my words...that doesn't mean that we can't still discuss the story of Isaac and Ishmael and draw the connections to what we are seeing play out in Islam/Middle East today. In the same way, the increase in perversion is a sign of how close we are getting to the time when God says, "Enough!" Just because YOU FIND the words offensive that the Bible clearly says...doesn't mean that ALL people find them offensive. Personally I FIND IT OFFENSIVE that almost every TV sitcom on ABC, CBS and NBC has a gay character in it. It's like SOMEONE is pushing the gay agenda VERY HARD...even though gayness only affects less than 5% of population. This is what God/Jesus said in Leviticus 18:22 says, "Do not lie (have sex) with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." Then Apostle Paul repeats this in Romans 1:27, "Men committed indecent acts with other men,(gay sex) and recieved in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." So anonymous, do you believe what the Bible says about the perversion of gay sex is "demeaning and hurtful?" Or is the Bible just pointing out how perverse ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE...AND THEN CONTINUALLY POINTING TO JESUS CHRIST AS THE ONLY SOLUTION. Sorry if I offended you...that is not my intent. My honest intent is that people would seek the Lord, repent of their sins and accept the free gift of salvation through GRACE offered by Jesus Christ. "I am the way, the Truth and the life. NO MAN COMES to the Father but through me.", says Jesus. I pray you WILL SEEK the Lord, didn't write the rules of eternal life...God did. He offers the FREE GIFT to all...but we all need to ACCEPT THAT FREE GIFT. If you have any other questions about grace and Jesus, please let me know how to contact you via email and I WON'T PUBLISH your email, but we can continue this conversation.
