
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Egypt's Army Chief Warns Egypt Could Collapse

As we know, the Arab states surrounding Israel are in a state of mayhem.  They have always been poor, ignorant and fairly incapable of caring for themselves without outside help from The West....but now things seem to be spiraling...and maybe out of control.

As violent clashes in Egypt continue for a sixth day, the Army chief of staff has a dire warning for protesters: If there is no reconciliation, Egypt could see the "collapse of the state." Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi also wrote on the official Army Facebook page today that any attacks on state institutions will be seen as a "serious matter that harms Egyptian national security and the future of Egypt," the New York Times reports.

The comments reflect the Army's increasing impatience and concern over the situation, but Reuters notes that it's unlikely the Army wants to take back the power it held while Hosni Mubarak was in power and, briefly, after he was removed from power. The death toll over the past week has hit at least 52, and protesters in three Suez Canal cities are defiantly ignoring the curfew set by President Mohamed Morsi by thronging in the streets after 9pm. And in Cairo, masked men stormed a luxury hotel's lobby last night—and the hotel live-tweeted the whole thing. No one was seriously hurt.


Also let's remember what the newly elected President of Egypt said, "Dear brothers, we must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews, and all those who support them. They must be nursed on hatred."

I definately remember what God said right at the very beginning of the Bible..."I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and will curse those who curse you."

When the leader of a country says he wants to nurse the children of his country on hatred for Jews and Israel....I'm just making a wild guess that things might not go so great for that country.

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