
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Global Warming Protesters Met by Snow

Yes it's true....God must have a sense of humor.  Maybe He wants to present a little 'comic relief' for all the Watchers who are gathered around in the 4th dimension (with programs in hand?), watching this grand drama on earth play out.

God told us that in the last days the wisdom of the wise would vanish and that the intelligence of the intelligent would disappear.  He also told us that the Bible would be considered as FOOLISHNESS to those who are NOT children of the light.

With that as a backdrop, this headline caught my eye on Google News today;

Global warming protesters met by freezing weather and snow

Environmental activists were ironically met with freezing weather and light snow flurries on Monday while protesting global warming outside the Washington state capitol building, reports the Olympian.

“Climate and weather are two different things,” activist Paul Pickett was told the bundled-up crowd, adding that climate “is long term and weather is what happens daily.”

The so-called Climate Crisis Rally lasted four hours and focused on efforts to stop construction of a coal export terminal to ship U.S.-mined coal to coal-fired power  plants in China. The Olympian reports that the public has until Jan. 21 to give their input what it wants covered in an environmental impact study about the coal terminal.

“Global warming used to refer to the globe,” said Kreutzer. “The year 2012 was not the hottest year ever globally nor was it even the hottest year of the past 34 (since accurate satellite data have been kept). It was not the second hottest or the third hottest or the fourth hottest.”

“According to the climate models that are supposed to worry us, global warming should be accelerating,” Kreutzer added. “Instead world temperatures have flattened out over the past 15 years. Note that China is in the middle of a record-breaking cold winter.”

Read more:

Yes, we ARE SUPPOSED TO BE STEWARDS of the planet...which means we are supposed to care for it in a reasonable we are to do for all the gifts God gives us.

However, those of us with a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW understand that we are on a huge rock, spinning through space without a steering wheel, and are kept exactly the correct distance from the sun in order to keep us from FRYING OR FREEZING. 

And who takes care to steer this huge rock for His Glory? 

God the Heavenly Father!

Will this earth end ONE SECOND before God says so?


Do we believe that the RECORD COLD, RECORD HEAT, RECORD DROUGHT and RECORD FLOODS along with record quakes, strange animal behavior and all eyes focused on Israel point to GLOBAL WARMING? 


We believe it to be the BIRTH PANGS that our Lord told us to watch for.

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