
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama and Israel Headed for a Clash

This headline should make us all get serious about prayer for our nation.

Obama, Netanyahu seem headed for US-Israel clash
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's premier on Wednesday dismissed President Barack Obama's reported displeasure with his hard-line policies toward the Palestinians, a sign that the two could be headed for a showdown.

Polls suggest Benjamin Netanyahu is poised to win Israel's elections next week and continue in office.

This week an American columnist with close ties to the White House described Obama's disdain for Netanyahu, warning that Israel's all-important relations with the U.S. could suffer in unprecedented ways if the Israeli government doesn't change its policies.

Such a clash would come at a tense time when regional developments appear to be working against Israel.


The Bible clearly tells us that Israel will be ALL ALONE in the Last Days.  This prophecy appears to be coming true right before our very eyes.

Of course America has always been Israel's greatest ally...and our blessings immediately followed.

And of course the PROUD POLITICIANS in Washington have NO IDEA that our blessings have come BECAUSE OF our SUPPORT OF ISRAEL...and that our CURSES will continue coming as we start cursing Israel.

"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." says God.

We elected Obama.  He is the leader of our it or not. 

Please continue to pray for him.  Pray that Jesus Christ will touch his heart and give him a love for Israel and a love for the Word of God.

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